DOUBLE SPRINGS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Double Springs & Mountain Rest, SC Version 1.0, 17-Apr-2005, C060.TXT, C60 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Find the intersection of Route 28 and Route 107 (Highland Highway). Drive northwest 3.2 miles on Route 28. Turn left on Chatooga Road and drive east 2.1 miles. Church & cemetery is located on the left side of road. HISTORY: -------- FOOTSTEPS IN TIME DOUBLE SPRINGS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dedication Service July 17, 1983 125 Years of Service to the Community Edited by Vera Robins & R. Will Stackhouse In searching for information about the very early years of Double Springs Church we have found many interesting things, but nothing dated earlier than the 1858 date on the deed of the church property. However, the large number of graves in the old cemeteries would indicate they had been used over a period of several years as the community was sparsely settled and some used family burial plots on their property. The earliest marked grave in the present cemetery is Rachel Robins - June 17, 1812 - June 6, 1859. The life of the church and community was closely entwined and much of the lifestyle common in those days is entirely unknown today. Aunt, Uncle or cousin was often used as terms of endearment or respect and did not necessarily mean blood relatives. This is not to be considered as a complete history, but pages of fact, fiction and memories from many sources are presented with the hope that you, too, will have pleasant memories, learn something and strengthen your faith in God. There are few written records at the church and research is very time consuming, often disappointing, but always interesting and at times very rewarding. Among the sources we researched and wish to extend our thanks for their cooperation are - The Sandor Teszler Library - Archives The Oconee County Library The Sunday school Records of Double Springs We also wish to thank many who made various contributions, among those Howard Queen and James Bowers. Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of upper Oconee on county road 37-196 halfway between Mountain Rest and the crossroads at Whetstone, you will find Double Springs United Methodist Church. This church was organized as a Union Church by early settlers the exact date unknown. First meetings were held at a log schoolhouse a few hundred yards east of the present site of the church. At the above location two graveyards will be found, one on the hill above the location of the old school house. The other, a colored burial ground, lies to the west. On September 9, 1858, Alexander Brice, Sr. and Elliot Keith executed a deed to Lewis Morehead, Bryon Fretwell and Gambrell Breazeale as trustees of a ten- acre tract of land to be used for the cause of religion in the community. It is significant that neither sect nor denomination was mentioned. The first church building was erected by members of the community. Names we have are: Lewis Morehead, Bryan Fretwell, Gambrell Breazeale, Abel Bobins, Ransom Hunt, Andrew Keys, William Mongold, Charles Hunt, Robert Crisp. A.J.M. Billingsley, S.G. Herdon, W.G. Russell, Baylus Nicholson, Simpson Mosely, Billy Lyles, George Symes, Jacob McCall, George Killian, W.H. McGill, James W. Vissage, Tyler Gillespie, Lawson Brown, Harriett Pell, Mary Barker and her colored girl, Sue Barker. The area served reached from the tollgate on highway 107 - the Rowland's to the Pitts on Highway 176 - also the Nicholson's, Whitmires' and Russell's of the Pine Mountain, Georgia Community. The original building was 24' by 30', located several yards east and farther back from the road, setting lengthwise east and west with the door on the side facing the road. In the very early 1900's, this building was moved nearer the road and set north and south as it is today. The side door was replaced with a window and a door was made in the end facing the road. In those days roads were dirt, rutted and muddy or dry and dusty. Creeks and branches were forded, walking folks using a foot log or stepping-stones on shallow streams. Heat was a wood burning stove and no Sunday school records are found for January or February. The area across the road was used as a 'hitching ground' where animals were tied up. All kinds of animals were used to get to church and some did not like being tied up so they would make noise, others would fight and occasionally one would get loose and head for home. Mothers usually carried snacks for their younger children, a jelly biscuit, home baked teacakes or sugar cookies. Double Springs was a Mission Church and preachers were sent to hold services once a month. Families in the community entertained the minister over the weekend as he visited and held services on Sunday. Baptist meetings were scheduled for other Sunday's and as most families attended all the Church Services there was usually a nice congregation at all times. Both denominations held revivals in the summer with a service at 11 o'clock in the mornings and an evening service about dusk lighted with oil lamps. Singing was a very vital part of any service or gathering. Often a Choirmaster or Singing Teacher would come to the community in the summer and hold singing school for several days, a week or two depending on the time he had, and the interest shown. Shaped notes and new songs were taught as well as the art of leading the singing and solo parts. There were many good singers - among them, the Vissage family, Bob Hunt, the Phillips family, Clara and Lassie Conley, the Barker family, Clifton and Amy Lyles, the Hamby family and others. M.L. Hamby was song leader for many years. He kept track of the time and would find someone to play the organ and sing a song or two to remind those visiting outside it was time for service to begin. The old songs were beautiful and carried much meaning and praise, also asking for guidance and freedom, while expressing thanks for the many blessings. A framed one-room schoolhouse was built on the west edge of the church property where the Blackwell and Hamby graves are. Along with the church, school children used water from the springs to the south of the building and now covered by the lake. There are also two springs in the area across the road according to folklore and this may well be why the church was named Double Springs. The Conference Minutes did not name churches on Charges until 1878, and there is no record of a Mountain Rest name. The above-mentioned article mentions the Mountain Rest area church, which clearly refers to Double Springs. In the early 1950's the crowd was small but faithful. We were on the Walhalla Charge and services were in the afternoon. After we were put on the Chicopee Charge in 1955, Rev. Charles Hayes Davis suggested holding services Sunday mornings. He was serving four churches, which made it necessary to begin early. We elected to try this early hour and liked it enough to continue. While Rev. William H. Abercrombie was pastor, it was decided that Edgar Grant would come one Sunday a month, giving us services each Sunday. Rev. Grant was accepted into the conference and became our minister from 1972 to 1976. The Women's Circle played a very active part in the life of the church, having the first Harvest Supper and Auction in 1955 when Rev. H.E. Bullington was pastor. A report of this sale will be found in these pages. In 1958, we celebrated the 100th Anniversary when Robert J. Howell was Pastor. The report of the Keowee Courier is included with our history. A picture plate was made to commemorate the occasion. DOUBLE SPRINGS CHURCH ENDS CENTURY: Historic Double Springs Methodist Church, whose members and friends observed its 100th anniversary Sunday, August 10, at colorful ceremonies, came into being a century ago when a deed was executed by Elliott M. Keith and Alexander Brice, Sr., ... conveying to the church a lot of 10 acres with the consideration listed as the "cause of religion." The Mountain Rest area church, though small in size, has become one of the county's strongest and most dedicated houses of worship since that day September 9, 1958, when its first trustees, Lewis Moorhead, Bryan Fretwell, and Gambrell Breazeale, accepted the deed for the location. (The Rev. Robert J. Howell, pastor) ---------- Sunday School rooms were added in 1961 with the interior remodeling and stained glass windows done in 1964. We celebrated the 106th anniversary on October 11, 1964 when Rev. Warren T. Greene was Pastor. In 1975 cushioned pews and a picnic shelter were added. Our greatest objective is to improve the spiritual and physical quality of life in our church and community. To help meet the needs of our shut-ins we use a tape recorder, purchased with memorial funds of Mrs. Dee Dawson's Mother, to enable these to enjoy regular messages from our minister. CHARGES, CHURCH OFFICERS, AND MINISTERS FROM 1876 TO DATE: 1876, Oconee Mission, Osgood Andrew Darby, Presiding Elder; William Pascal Meadors, Minister 1877, Minister, F. Smith 1878, Samuel Barksdale Jones, Presiding Elder; James Ware Browne, Minister 1879, (Supernumerary); Alexander W. Moore & Junius Joseph Neville, Ministers 1880-81, Walhalla Circuit; Junius Joseph Neville, Minister 1882-83, Thomas Galbraith Herbert, Presiding Elder; Coke Danby Mann, Minister 1884, James Conrade Davis, Minister 1885, John Nelson Wright, Minister 1886-88, Oconee Mission; James Walter Dickwon, Presiding Elder; Jefferson Stoball, Minister 1889, Abercrombie, Minister 1890, Walhalla Circuit; John Owens Willson, Presiding Elder; Arthur Crawford Walker, Minister 1891, Henry Cogswell Mouzon, Minister 1891-92 1893, J. Clarence Spann, Minister 1894 1894, Thomas Jefferson Clyde, Presiding Elder; Waddy Thompson Duncan, Minister 1895, James Lloyd Mullinix, Minister 1896-97, William Carr Power, Presiding Elder 1898, John B. Wilson, Presiding Elder; Hugh Walker Whitaker, Minister 1899 1900, Charles Washington Burgess, Minister 1901, John I. Spinks, Minister 1902-03, Rufus Alexander, Presiding Elder; William Marion Harden, Minister 1904, Richard Herbert Jones, Presiding Elder; Edward Samuel Jones & Cole Danby Mann 1905, (Supernumerary); Cole Danby Mann, Minister 1906, Walhalla Mission; Joseph Sidney Beasley, Presiding Elder; James Carson Yongue, Minister 1907, Andrew Jackson Cauthen, Presiding Elder; Joseph Lawrence Singleton, Minister 1908-10, Walhalla Mission; Rhodum Rhett Doyle, Minister 1911, Charles Betts Smith, Presiding Elder; William D. Patrick, Minister 1912, Walhalla Circuit; James Martin Lawson, Minister 1913-15, Thomas C. O'Dell, Presiding Elder; Hollis Alexander Whitten, Minister 1916, William T. Belvin, Minister 1917, Walhalla Circuit; George Clark Leonard, Presiding Elder; William T. Belvin, Minister 1918-19, Foster Speer, Minister 1920-21, Adlai Ellwood Holler, Presiding Elder; Darling Earle Jeffcoat, Minister 1922-23, Nicholas Grady Ballenger, Minister 1924, Pierce Fleming Kilgo, Presiding Elder; Robert Lewis Doggett, Minister 1925-27, Clarence Newton Potts, Minister 1928-29, Francis Eldon Dibble, Presiding Elder 1930, Dennis Roy Dickerson, Minister 1931-32, Marvin Talmadge, Presiding Elder; James Herbert Bell, Minister 1933-34, Wharton, Presiding Elder; D. R. Dickerson, Minister 1935-36, Lee Darby Gillespie, Presiding Elder; William Columbus Kelley, Minister 1937-39, Horace Edward Gravely, Minister 1940, Walhalla Charge; John K. Walker, Minister 1941-43, Lemuel Edgar Wiggins, Presiding Elder 1944-45, James Harper Brown, Minister 1946, Joseph Claude Evans, Minister 1947-49, Herbert Otto Chambers, Presiding Elder 1950-51, Peter Stokes, Minister 1952, Talmage Lee Chapman, Minister 1953-54, Benjamin Bryan Black, Presiding Elder 1955, Horace Earle Bullington, Minister 1956, Chicopee Charge; Charles Hayes Davis, Minister 1957-58, Robert Joseph Howell, Minister 1959-62, Melvin Earle Derrick, Presiding Elder; William Wallace Culp, Minister 1963-64, Warren Talmadge Greene, Minister 1965, James Henry Martin, Presiding Elder 1965 1966-67, Ralph Truman Bowling, Minister 1968, Ralston Wright Turberville, Minister 1969, William H. Abercrombie, Minister 1970-71, Eben Taylor, Presiding Elder 1972-75, Chicopee Charge; Eben Taylor, Presiding Elder; Edgar Gamewell Grant, Minister 1976, John Dobson Boone, Jr., Presiding Elder; Joe Calhoun Watson, Minister 1977-78, Hopewell-Double Springs 1979, James Adelbert Merchant, Presiding Elder 1980-82, Will Stackhouse, Minister The Women's Circle of Double Springs dates back to the early twenties. Meetings were on Saturday afternoon in the homes with women and children attending. The older girls would entertain the small children, help with refreshments and sometimes the program by reciting a Psalm or poem. Program materials were rather scarce, but a good devotion made a meaningful meeting. These gatherings always meant an opportunity for good fellowship. The orphanage was a great concern and making a quilt was always a good project. Clothing for the children was mostly handmade. When a list of sizes was received, a workday would be set aside with a production line - beginning with cutters and ending with hems and buttons. In the 1950's, retirees began attending our meetings more and a Harvest Supper and Auction was celebrated for a number of years bringing much pleasure to a wide circle of members and friends. At this time, we are having a Fellowship Supper and Song Fest during the Holidays and having a "Yard Sale" or "Flea Market" during the warmer months. The circle is a very vital part of Double Springs and recently presented our Pastor, Rev. R. Will Stackhouse, and his Bride-to-be with a handmade Candlewick quilt and pillow. From the founding of Double Springs Church, the Vissage name has been among those on the church roll and is right on down to the present time. Sunday school records list the various family members as they took an active part with other young members of the church and community. For many there are fond memories of their musical talent and contribution to the church musical program. They took part in the singing school usually held annually in the summer months. The homes of five men mentioned as helping build the original church building are still standing. They are Gambrell Brezeale, Abel Robins, George Symes, William G. Russell and Baylus Nicholson. The George Symes Home, on Land Bridge Road, is now owned by Jack Germain and has been remodeled and enlarged. The main part of the original built in 1857, is a very vital part of the house today. The old chimney was torn down, but a story concerning the years following the war that Yankees were coming through killing young men and a cousin, Manse Jones was visiting and was hid in the chimney which saved his life. The Breazeale and Robin's houses are near each other in the Whetstone area. They were built about 1835 by a contractor from Anderson who had slaves trained for every phase of the work. A crew would come in and camp while they set up a sawmill, cut logs for the lumber, selected clay and made bricks for pillars and chimneys. The very best of lumber was selected for the house, sidewalls and ceilings were made of hand planed, tongue and grooved boards. Huge wooden pegs and square nails were fashioned as needed. Windows were large with fifteen panes in each. Rooms were large with high ceilings and fireplaces in the rooms downstairs and upstairs from the chimneys at each end of the house. The only closet in the house was beneath the stairway in the hall. Slaves quarters were a long shed style building with a petition. This was constructed early and used by the men as they worked on the house. The well was dug and finished with a well box, windlass and shelter. Strips were used to fence the yard and garden making the place ready to move into. The Breazeale house is now owned by Mack Henry and he recently remodeled it completely. This house had been enlarged several years ago, but Mack bricked it and added a garage and covered walk to the back. The Robins house is now owned by A.L. Brown Estate and is being restored by Charles Moxley, a great-grandson of Lawson Brown, who was a charter member of Double Springs. Four sons of the Robins family were members of the Confederate Army - Daniel P., James H., Waddy T., and Steve. Steve was killed and buried in Lynchburg, Virginia. The slave who was with him, found his way home with the horses, Steve's personal possessions and a first hand report of their experiences. Charles took material from the house and fashioned the gavel he is presenting to Bishop Roy C. Clark to open our dedication services. The Nicholson house is on the Georgia side of Chattooga across Highway 28 from Mount Pleasant Church. It is owned by the Nicholson family and Nove Snider and his daughter Maude live there. The Russell House is located on Highway 28 before you get to the bridge Crossing Chattooga River. The house and lands are owned by the Forest Service. The house is empty and in a dilapidated state. Built in the 1860's and home to a large family as well as a stopover for many travelers. There are several options as to the future of this property and we hope it will once again welcome those who are passing that way. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Conley lived in an area called "The Valley" near Otto, N.C. which had a damp morning fog making it unhealthy for children. After losing a daughter, they decided to move to a more healthful climate and in 1880 bought the land and home of Gambrell Breazeale on Whetstone. Mr. Conley and some of the older children came ahead setting up housekeeping and beginning to prepare for the summer crop. The land was turned one furrow at a time with someone walking behind the plow making this a time consuming task. When the baby daughter, Lassie, born March 1, 1880 was about six weeks old, the moving to Whetstone was completed with Mrs. Conley riding a sidesaddle and holding her baby. The Conley family took an active part in the community and church along with the many other young people in the area. There were many Community Sing-a- longs and all day singings at Church with dinner on the ground. Miss Lassie married William P. Henry, a traveling salesman with headquarters in Atlanta and lived in Georgia during her married life, spending the summers at home on Whetstone. Two sons and a daughter were born to this couple: William Conley Henry - 1909 - 1979; Mack Henry - owns old home place; Louise H. Alexander, our gifted pianist at Double Springs. Miss Lassie was a leader in church and community social events, arranging Children's Day, Singings and other special days at church. Quiltings were one of the very best community get-togethers. These were often held at Miss Lassie's home as the rooms were large and quilters could work all around the quilt. Dinner was a covered dish feast and good fellowship went on the whole day. Picnics, swim parties and square dances were popular also. BELIEFS OF THE METHODIST CHURCH The doctrine of the Methodist Church, based on the specific teachings of John Wesley, has changed very little, nor have they been the subject of much controversy. A belief in the divinity of Christ is fundamental, faith in the Holy Trinity - that there is one living and true God, everlasting, of infinite power, wisdom and goodness. In the Unity of the Godhead there are three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. This belief in the divinity of Christ is fundamental, and doctrines assert that all men are sinners who may through faith in Christ receive forgiveness and adoption into the family of God; that God, hating all sins, loves all men; that Christ died to make salvation from sin; that the Holy Ghost is given to convict men of sin, and that "sanctification" or living in a spirit of love toward God and men is possible. (Submitted by: Mary Rochester) ---------- In 1967 when we began helping Louise look for some lake property for a place for family gatherings, it must have been Divine guidance that led us to the Mt. Rest Community and a place on Crystal Lake. On the recommendation of neighbors we went to visit Double Springs United Methodist Church. Here we found, not only a second church home, but also, wonderful Christian friends who make us feel as if we were one of them. In 1970, when we had both retired, we began spending more time at Mt. Rest, and for some years now, from April to October, it is "our home," and this is due mainly to our love for Double Springs Church and the close fellowship of the members, each of whom is a very dear friend. Our lives have been greatly enriched by these friendships, as well as the friendship of those who have served as pastors of the church. Words cannot express this very special feeling of "belonging." (Submitted by: Edward and Mary Lou Hodges) ---------- We appreciate the invitation to the church celebration on July 17th. We hope that we will be able to come and enjoy this special occasion with you. As for the message of what the Double Springs Church is to us, we feel that without the opportunity to be part of the congregation and to serve as your pastor as my first pastorate, Double Springs filled that part of our lives that no other could. We had the privilege to serve Double Springs from 1972 thru 1976. We accomplished a great deal with the work, prayers and a lot of love of the fine people at Double Springs. (Submitted by: Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Grant) ---------- According to records of the Barker family, Sue Barker was a slave in the family who did not accept her freedom at the end of the Civil war. Sue was thirteen years old when she joined Double Springs Methodist Church and was a charter member. When the youngest girl of the family, Josephine, married Jim Morgan of Pickens, Sue asked to go live with them. The Morgans lived on a large farm and seven children were born to this couple and they were almost as fond of "Aunt Susie" as of their own mother since she was very active in caring for them. Susie ran the household, would hitch a horse to the buggy, go into the town of Pickens, exchanging chickens and eggs from the farm for groceries. Josephine Morgan could lead a leisurely life and was able to go on trips with her husband since Susie was so capable and such a treasure. Susie died at 81 years of age and was buried in the family plot of the Bethlehem Methodist Church cemetery near Pickens. Rev Edgar Grant married Louise Morgan and when he was our pastor (1972- 1976), she attended services regularly with him. They seemed to be proud to worship at Double Springs and we thoroughly enjoyed them. (Submitted by: Unknown) ---------- It was our pleasure to make our first visit to Double Springs Methodist Church in 1951. It was because of the church that we came to love the Mountain Rest Community so very much and decided to build our home there. We remember well participating in the One Hundredth Anniversary, and can still remember the interesting history of the church's first 100 years that was given at that time. Across these many years the church has ministered to many people and influenced many lives. We know that it enriched our lives as we worshiped there during the vacation months year after year. No community is a worthwhile place to live that does not have a church, and Double Springs has certainly helped keep Mountain Rest a delightful place to own a home and live. We think of the many pastors we were privileged to know across the years, and know that many of them received their start in the ministry by serving the Double Springs circuit. There is no way to measure the contribution that was made by those pastors- as each one continued to grow and became effective witnesses to Christ thru His church. We do pray that the years to come will be just as effective as the years that have gone. Our hope is that Double Springs will be a blessing to many for many years to come. (Submitted by: Orville Nelson) ---------- When I was a small child in the early 30's, Union Sunday school and church services were held. The Sunday school was at 10 a.m., the Baptist worship service at 11 a.m., and the Methodist worship service was held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon every other Sunday. This was necessary because we were on the charge with three other churches and it was not possible to have a service every Sunday. As far back as I can remember Mr. Hugh Sims, a member of the Baptist church, was Treasurer of the Sunday school. These funds were used for all expenses of the church except the preacher's salary. The Board of Stewards of the Methodist church were responsible for collecting money from the members to pay their preacher. When the Sims family moved from Mountain Rest to the Oconee County farm in 1928, my father, Virgil Ramey, became Sunday school Treasurer and was until his death in January, 1956. He was also a member of the Board of Stewards for many years until his death. When Charles Davis became our preacher in 1956, I was elected church Treasurer and have been until now. The church budget has grown each year since I began as Treasurer. I can remember in my early years that the most of the Sunday school collection was pennies but, even so, the bills were always paid. (Submitted by: Sue Queen, Treasurer) ---------- CLIFTON LYLES - Teacher: W.C. (Cliff) Lyles was a native of these hills and managed to get enough education to enter Wofford College and become an outstanding schoolteacher in Oconee County. He helped the young ministers assigned to the church to prepare better sermons, taught Sunday School and school and was an inspiration and example for many. He took the younger group hanging all over his Ford Roadster to the river and taught them to swim. He was the transportation for many to trains and buses as they went away to school, and often as they returned for Holidays or school's end. Because of Cliff Lyles, many young lives were happier and of a much better quality. (Submitted by: Unknown) ---------- BOB HUNT - Sunday School Superintendent: W.R. (Bob) Hunt was reared at the foot of Whetstone Mountain and attended Double Springs Church. He took part with other young people of the area in community and church activities. There were corn shuckings at the barn or crib and the lucky person finding a red ear of corn got to kiss the party of their choice. The ladies were busy at the house quilting and cooking up a most wonderful feast. Kids played between the two areas of activity. At the end of the day, folks would go home and return for the dance that night. He married Margaret Brown and for many years their home was a landmark on Highway #28. They were faithful members of Double Springs Church and among other things he served as Sunday School Superintendent for a number of years. Attendance was usually good with literature Baptist one Quarter and Methodist next. When attendance did fall off, Mr. Hunt would show up with a bag of candy for a couple of Sundays and the children would be back. (Submitted by: Unknown) (Grapevine News Service) ---------- MY FAITH: By Emma Kelly Hoskins Surely they must be near us As we journey along Life's Way For Christ broke down the barriers That separate night from day. He shattered all the mystery Of that impenetrable gloom That ever lingers lurking Around the lonely, grayish tomb. He broke away the fetters On that Resurrection Morn He showed to us there is no Death Of the God-given soul reborn. They are not far away They've just passed thru the Door To claim His promise, "Where I am There ye may be also." And we who remain lift our eyes With Faith's Unfurled Holding fast His Proclamation, "Lo I'm with you always Even to the end of the World." ---------- The Double Springs Church at Mountain Rest was organized as a "Union Church" by the people of the community. In the beginning, services were held at a school, which stood a few hundred yards to the east. At the school location, there are two graveyards - one is on the hill behind the school site and the other lies to the east. On September 9, 1858, Alexander Bryce and E.M. Keith executed a deed to Lewis Moorehead, Bryan Fretwell and Gambrell Brazeale, trustees for the Double Springs Church, a ten-acre tract of land for the sum of three dollars to be used for the cause of religion. It is significant that neither sect nor denomination were mentioned. The church building was erected by people of the community. Names mentioned are: Lewis Moorehead, Bryan Fretwell, Gambrell Brazeale, Abel Robins, Ransom Hunt, Andrew Keys, William Mongold, Charles Hunt, Robert Crisp, A.J.M. Billingsley, S.G. Herndon, W.G. Russell, Baylus Nicholson, Simpson Mosely, Billy Lyles, George Symes, Jacob McCall, George Killian, W.H. McGill, James W. Vissage, Tyler Gillespie, Lawton Brown, Harriet Pell, Mary Barker and her colored girl, Sue Barker. For about ninety years, the Methodists and Baptists worshipped together. In the late 1940s, the Baptist built their own sanctuary across the road. Since that time, the Methodists have continued worshipping in the building on the original site. The Methodists have made improvements to the building including: Sunday School rooms, complete renovation of the interior with the addition of stained glass windows, new pews, a ramp for the handicapped, bathrooms, central heat and air conditioning, and a roof over the front entrance. The money for these improvements came from donations and memorials from members and friends of Double Springs. A large cemetery adjoins the churchyard and contains several hundred graves. The earliest marked one is that of Rachel Robins: June 17, 1812 - June 6, 1859. The picnic shelter built in 1975 has evolved into a fellowship hall with large dining area, kitchen, and bathroom. Although the membership of the church has never been large, it has never been closed to the opportunity of area citizens to have worship services since its doors were opened. Since the first records of Double Springs, at least 58 Methodist ministers have served. In recent years, we have had student ministers who have served us well. At present, Double Springs is on the charge with Hopewell United Methodist Church at Westminster and the minister is Reverend A.M. Arant, Jr. Submitted by: Sue Queen and Barbara Haddle. o----------o The William A. Lyles family moved up to Mountain Rest sometime after they had buried young Zillah in Westminster in 1852 and in time to help build Double Springs Church about 1858 or 1859. "On September 9, 1858, Alexander Brice, Sr and Elliot Keith executed a deed to Lewis Morehead, Bry[a]n Fretwell and Gambrell Breazeale as trustees of a ten acre tract of land to be used for the cause of religion in the community," according to Footsteps in Time: A History of Double Springs Methodist Church and Community (edited by Vera Robins and R. Will Stackhouse, 1983). The deed did not name any denomination, and the church served both Methodists and Baptists until 1948, when the Baptist left to form a separate congregation. The church was built by the people of the community, including Lewis Morehead, Bryan Fretwell, Gambrell Brazeale, Abel Robins, Ransom Hunt, Andrew Keys, William Mongold, Charles Hunt, Robert Crisp, A.J.M. Billingsley, S. G. Herndon, W. G. Russell, Baylus Nicholson, Simpson Mosely, Billy (William A.) Lyles, George Symes, Jacob McCall, George Killian, W. H. McGill, James W. Vissage, Tyler Gillespie, Lawson Brown, Harriett Pell, Mary Barker and Sue Barker ("her colored girl"). The present-day church building and the cemetery lie right next to the county road (37-196) that runs from Mountain Rest to Whetstone. As the crow flies, the Lyles house sat above West Village Creek 0.9 mile northward. The old house is gone now, replaced on the exact spot by the new house of a new owner. William A. Lyles' children--James Turner Lyles and Sarah Lyles--and grandchildren were active members of the church, and his grandchildren W. Clifton Lyles and Amy Lyles, are still remembered in the stories and anecdotes still told by their former students and neighbors today, a half century after they died. William A. Lyles and Mary Fowler Lyles are buried in the church cemetery. So are Sarah Lyles, James Turner Lyles, Selena Vissage Lyles, Amy E. Lyles, and William Clifton Lyles. A Nancy Lyles Roach lies there, perhaps from one of the Westminster Lyleses. We don't know. Many of the Vissages lie there too--John J. Vissage and Melissa Fincher Vissage and many of their children and in-laws. These web pages were originally created by James Robert Lyles III together with his cousin, Joseph Bryan Lyles. Following Jim's death on April 20, 2000, Bryan has taken on maintaince of the web pages with the assistance of Jim's sister, Marianne Lyles. DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Apr-2002 Carol Wolfe at in Jan-2001 Vivian Carroll Parkman at in Mar-2001 Linda Flynn at in Apr-2002 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Vera Robins & Will Stackhouse in 1983 Sue Queen and Barbara Haddle. LIBRARY REFERENCE: Bob McCall at Walhalla SC Public Library Sue Queen at Double-Springs Methodist Church TRANSCRIPTION .. : Herman Russell at in Sep-2000 Vivian Carroll Parkman at in Mar-2001 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife Tombstone inscriptions as of mid-1980's NOTE: The following is sorted by SURNAME. 8, AVAILABLE 11, AVAILABLE 12, AVAILABLE 13, AVAILABLE 20, AVAILABLE 21, AVAILABLE 22, AVAILABLE 25, AVAILABLE 26, AVAILABLE 27, AVAILABLE 28, AVAILABLE 33, AVAILABLE 34, AVAILABLE 35, AVAILABLE 45, AVAILABLE 46, AVAILABLE 47, AVAILABLE 52, AVAILABLE 58, AVAILABLE 59, AVAILABLE 60, AVAILABLE 65, AVAILABLE 66, AVAILABLE 72, AVAILABLE 73, AVAILABLE 81, AVAILABLE 82, AVAILABLE 83, AVAILABLE 84, AVAILABLE 86, AVAILABLE 90, AVAILABLE 94, AVAILABLE 95, AVAILABLE 96, AVAILABLE 97, AVAILABLE 98, AVAILABLE 99, AVAILABLE 100, AVAILABLE 105, AVAILABLE 106, AVAILABLE 112, AVAILABLE 115, AVAILABLE 118, AVAILABLE 119, AVAILABLE 121, AVAILABLE 122, AVAILABLE 125, AVAILABLE 136, AVAILABLE 137, AVAILABLE 138, AVAILABLE 141, AVAILABLE 148, AVAILABLE 149, AVAILABLE 152, AVAILABLE 153, AVAILABLE 155, AVAILABLE 160, AVAILABLE 161, AVAILABLE 162, AVAILABLE 163, AVAILABLE 165, AVAILABLE 166, AVAILABLE 175, AVAILABLE 176, AVAILABLE 177, AVAILABLE 178, AVAILABLE 182, AVAILABLE 183, AVAILABLE 184, AVAILABLE 185, AVAILABLE 187, AVAILABLE 188, AVAILABLE 189, AVAILABLE 190, AVAILABLE 191, AVAILABLE 192, AVAILABLE 194, AVAILABLE 198, AVAILABLE 199, AVAILABLE 202, AVAILABLE 203, AVAILABLE 206, AVAILABLE 207, AVAILABLE 208, AVAILABLE 209, AVAILABLE 212, AVAILABLE 213, AVAILABLE 215, AVAILABLE 216, AVAILABLE 222, AVAILABLE 223, AVAILABLE 224, AVAILABLE 230, AVAILABLE 231, AVAILABLE 235, AVAILABLE 236, AVAILABLE 237, AVAILABLE 238, AVAILABLE 239, AVAILABLE 240, AVAILABLE 241, AVAILABLE 242, AVAILABLE 243, AVAILABLE 244, AVAILABLE 245, AVAILABLE 246, AVAILABLE 248, AVAILABLE 254, AVAILABLE 255, AVAILABLE 263, AVAILABLE 264, AVAILABLE 265, AVAILABLE 266, AVAILABLE 267, AVAILABLE 268, AVAILABLE 269, AVAILABLE 270, AVAILABLE 271, AVAILABLE 272, AVAILABLE 273, AVAILABLE 274, AVAILABLE 275, AVAILABLE 276, AVAILABLE 277, AVAILABLE 278, AVAILABLE 279, AVAILABLE 280, AVAILABLE 283, AVAILABLE 289, AVAILABLE 290, AVAILABLE 291, AVAILABLE 292, AVAILABLE 293, AVAILABLE 297, AVAILABLE 298, AVAILABLE 299, AVAILABLE 300, AVAILABLE 301, AVAILABLE 302, AVAILABLE 303, AVAILABLE 307, AVAILABLE 316, AVAILABLE 317, AVAILABLE 318, AVAILABLE 319, AVAILABLE 320, AVAILABLE 326, AVAILABLE 327, AVAILABLE 330, AVAILABLE 333, AVAILABLE 334, AVAILABLE 337, AVAILABLE 341, AVAILABLE 342, AVAILABLE 343, AVAILABLE 344, AVAILABLE 345, AVAILABLE 348, AVAILABLE 349, AVAILABLE 350, AVAILABLE 351, AVAILABLE 356, AVAILABLE 357, AVAILABLE 359, AVAILABLE 373, AVAILABLE 374, AVAILABLE 375, AVAILABLE 376, AVAILABLE 377, AVAILABLE 378, AVAILABLE 379, AVAILABLE 380, AVAILABLE 382, AVAILABLE 383, AVAILABLE 384, AVAILABLE 385, AVAILABLE 386, AVAILABLE 387, AVAILABLE 388, AVAILABLE 389, AVAILABLE 390, AVAILABLE 391, AVAILABLE 414, AVAILABLE 418, AVAILABLE 420, AVAILABLE 421, AVAILABLE 425, AVAILABLE 428, AVAILABLE 431, AVAILABLE 432, AVAILABLE 433, AVAILABLE 434, AVAILABLE 435, AVAILABLE 437, AVAILABLE 439, AVAILABLE 440, AVAILABLE 441, AVAILABLE 442, AVAILABLE 443, AVAILABLE 455, AVAILABLE 463, AVAILABLE 468, AVAILABLE 469, AVAILABLE 478, AVAILABLE 479, AVAILABLE 482, AVAILABLE 494, AVAILABLE 504, AVAILABLE 527, AVAILABLE 558, AVAILABLE 578, AVAILABLE 579, AVAILABLE 580, AVAILABLE 581, AVAILABLE 582, AVAILABLE 585, AVAILABLE 592, AVAILABLE 607, AVAILABLE 608, AVAILABLE 609, AVAILABLE 610, AVAILABLE 611, AVAILABLE 612, AVAILABLE 613, AVAILABLE 614, AVAILABLE 615, AVAILABLE 617, AVAILABLE 618, AVAILABLE 637, AVAILABLE 638, AVAILABLE 639, AVAILABLE 640, AVAILABLE 643, AVAILABLE 644, AVAILABLE 649, AVAILABLE 655, AVAILABLE 668, AVAILABLE 669, AVAILABLE 670, AVAILABLE 671, AVAILABLE 683, AVAILABLE 711, AVAILABLE 712, AVAILABLE 713, AVAILABLE 714, AVAILABLE 718, AVAILABLE 731, AVAILABLE 733, AVAILABLE 734, AVAILABLE 735, AVAILABLE 736, AVAILABLE 739, AVAILABLE 740, AVAILABLE 741, AVAILABLE 742, AVAILABLE 744, AVAILABLE 751, AVAILABLE 752, AVAILABLE 756, AVAILABLE 762, AVAILABLE 764, AVAILABLE 778, AVAILABLE 779, AVAILABLE 780, AVAILABLE 781, AVAILABLE 782, AVAILABLE 783, AVAILABLE 789, AVAILABLE 790, AVAILABLE 791, AVAILABLE 792, AVAILABLE 795, AVAILABLE 797, AVAILABLE 798, AVAILABLE 799, AVAILABLE 800, AVAILABLE 804, AVAILABLE 805, AVAILABLE 806, AVAILABLE 813, AVAILABLE 814, AVAILABLE 815, AVAILABLE 816, AVAILABLE 817, AVAILABLE 818, AVAILABLE 819, AVAILABLE 827, AVAILABLE 785, BALLARD, Leonard, (in memory), b. 16-oct-1944, d. 4-mar-1979 397, BARKER, Freddie Garvin, b. 30-apr-1893, d. 23-apr-1896 400, BARKER, Fredrick Garvin, b. 28-oct-1848, d. 50oct-1924 402, BARKER, Infant Son, b. 399, BARKER, Josiah Franklin, b. 19-feb-1895, d. 18-apr-1896 407, BARKER, Kannie V. Knight, b. 1-nov-1869, d. 14-jul-1961 396, BARKER, Marshall R., b. 1907, d. 1976 401, BARKER, Mary E. Robertson, b. 29-aug-1869, d. 15-apr-1937 406, BARKER, Walter Clinton, b. 2-jun-1868, d. 10-may-1934 340, BECK, Grover Lee, b. 3-may-1935, 8-may-1945 597, BILLINGSLEY, Andrew J.M., b. 2-jul-1843, d. 17-may-1917 598, BILLINGSLEY, Eleanor M. Taylor, b. 11-sept-1849, d. 26-jun-1929 753, BILLINGSLEY, Mabel, no dates 604, BILLINGSLEY, Rhoda, b. 21-may-1841, d. 29-sept-1916 93, BLACK, Clyde Patton, b. 2-oct-1933 92, BLACK, Hattie Elizabeth, b. 2-feb-1939 91, BLACK, Sandra Gay, b. 21-sept-1959, d. 16-oct-1959 446, BLACKWELL, Arnold, b. 1922, d. 1975 844, BLACKWELL, Cal, b. 1884 251, BLACKWELL, Etta, b. 20-may-1881, d. 13-may-1926 843, BLACKWELL, Joe, b. 1859, d. 3-apr-1944 845, BLACKWELL, July, b. 1885 250, BLACKWELL, Lena E., b. 31-aug-1911, d. 4-jan-1912 445, BLACKWELL, Mary, b. 1903, d. 1975 253, BLACKWELL, Ossie Bell Ried, b. 14-jan-1905, d. 14-jan-1938 252, BLACKWELL, Steve, b. 20-mar-1882, d. 8-aug-1957 444, BLACKWELL, Viirgil, b. 1903, d. 1975 247, BLECKLEY, Timmie R., b. 15-nov-1872, d. 15-apr-1930 757, BOTTOM, W.W., no dates 693, BOWERS, Caroline, b. 2-jul-1840, d. 3-sept-1921 692, BOWERS, Charles Fred, b.24-aug-1873, d. 7-apr-1953 694, BOWERS, Frederick, b. 4-mar-1827, d. 5-sept-1910 691, BOWERS, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 5-mar-1882, 25-nov-1971 156, BROOKS, Andy C., b. 3-aug-1913, d. 1-may-1963 173, BROOKS, Commodore B., b. 29-feb-1888, d. 22-mar-1869 157, BROOKS, E. Franklin, b. 21-jul-1909, d. 6-jul-1960 172, BROOKS, Ina Lillian, b. 12-sept-1912 158, BROOKS, James E., b. 9-nov-1907, d. 4-may-1960 174, BROOKS, Randy, b. 18-oct-1952, d. 12-jan-1963 154, BROOKS, Tommy Kenneth, b. 24-nov-1952, d. 21-may-1973 159, BROOKS, William Moses, b. 10-may-1882, d. 28-jan-1963 214, BROOKS, William Roy, b. 3-nov-1943, d. 15-aug-1961 776, BROWN, Albert M.,b. 3-oct-1864, d. 1-jan-1947 787, BROWN, Bessie, b. 16-mar-1885, d. 31-mar-1974 774, BROWN, Gasoway B., b. 773, BROWN, Henry L., b. 23-aug-1830, d. 19-mar-1885 775, BROWN, Ida E., b. 750, BROWN, James L., b. 31-may-1892, d. 14-jun-1952 760, BROWN, Jo(l)hn H., b. 30-jan-1878, d. 22-nov-1922 759, BROWN, Lollie H., b. 22-jul-1891, d. 20-oct-1918 772, BROWN, M. Jane, b. 23-feb-1838, d. 4-feb-1926 748, BROWN, Mable, b. 12-feb-1906, d. 12-jul-1928 761, BROWN, Margaret A. Potts, b. 14-nov-1833, d. 6-feb-1924 777, BROWN, Rhoda King, b. 21-jul-1860, d. 6-jul-1951 583, BRUTON, Robert L., b. 1899, d. 1975 360, BURNS, Thomas, b. 1837, d. 1896 690, BURRELL, Leona, b. 9-jan-1905, d. 4-mar-1905 57, BURTON, Dora B., reserved, b. 1897 56, BURTON, Wiley R., b. 1897, d. 1977 590, CALLAS, Edward, b. 17-may-1873, d. 18-jul-1948 220, CALLAS, Eva Manning, b. 15-sept-1894, d. 8-jan-1944 221, CALLAS, Evan, b. 19-may-1879, d. 2-jul-1949 219, CALLAS, Infant Son, b. & d. 4-mar-1932 589, CALLAS, Infant Son, 2-jun-1912, only date 587, CALLAS, Jasper Samuel, b. 29-oct-1849, d. 17-aug-1929 820, CALLAS, Lucy, d. 30-oct-1898, d. age 83y, 2m 591, CALLAS, Martha Lula, b. 11-sept-1884, d. 9-aug-1974 586, CALLAS, Mary Nicholson, b. 8-feb-1858, d. 24-may-1936 588, CALLAS, Sudie E., b. 2-apr-1885, d. 22-jul-1901 821, CALLAS(?), William C., footstone only 170, CANT, Andrew M., b. 2-sept-1895, d. 5-sept-1971 171, CANT, Mable T., b. 28-oct-1901, d. 22-jun-1972 367, CONLEY, Elizabeth Angel, b. 12-aug-1836, d. 12-aug-1922 370, CONLEY, Eve Eugenia, b. 12-nov-1875, d. 30-dec-1884 372, CONLEY, G. Henry, b. 25-may-1862, d. 5-feb-1907 371, CONLEY, Loiuse Armazette, b. 24-jul-1861, d. 27-mar-1903 366, CONLEY, Mary Angel, b. 27-sept-1866, d. 8-sept-1943 368, CONLEY, Samuel G., b. 14-oct-1830, d. 30-may-1905 249, COUCH, Nettie Blackwell, b. 2-sept-1913, d. 9-oct-1972 555, CRAIG, Jane, b. 31-may-1809, d. 28-feb-1874 624, CRISP, Allison Phidel, b. 13-jul-1851, 7-aug-1922 625, CRISP, Malinda R., b. 17-dec-1847, d. 21-nov-1906 179, CROWE, Mary Alice, b. 29-dec-1969, d. 14-feb-1976 186, DAVIS, Willie, b. 6-may-1914, d. 25-dec-1914 493, DEAN, Florence, b. 10-aug-1883, d. 20-jun-1930 41, DUNCAN, Ada Grace H., b. 1902, d. 1943 335, DUNCAN, Cynthia Hooper, b. 1851, d. 1924 336, DUNCAN, Frank, b. 1845, d. 1920 325, DUNCAN, Jack Sr., b. 25-oct-1873, d. 5-jan-1965 40, DUNCAN, Jay Loyd, b. 29-aug-1927, d. 10-oct-1951 42, DUNCAN, LaFayette, b. 1902, d. 1953 324, DUNCAN, Lela H., b. 6-oct-1886, d. 16-jan-1965 568, DUNCAN, Mary, d. 11-may-1895 520, FINCHER, Eliza, b. 17-mar-1847, 15-jan-1918 169, FINCHER, Harmon, b. 7-aug-1895, d. 26-aug-1926 167, FINCHER, Ida P., b. 1877, d. 1952 168, FINCHER, Timothy (Tim), b. 1874, d. 1936 369, FOLK, Lizzie Conley, b. 24-nov-1880, d. 16-oct-1904 417, FREEMAN, Rebecca, no dates 632, FRETWELL, Bry, b. 30-jul-1811, d. 29-sept-1882 631, FRETWELL, Elizabeth H., b. 11-dec-1818, d. 30-jan-1896 134, GREENE, John D. Jr, b. 25-aug-1937, d. 26-sept-1945 309, HAMBY, E.M., b. 1859, d. 1949 311, HAMBY, Earl, b. 338, HAMBY, Fannie Duncan, b. 25-mar-1868, d. 1-aug-1936 313, HAMBY, Jefe D., b. 315, HAMBY, Jeff Bell, b. 840, HAMBY, John, b. 30-jan-1867, d. 20-dec-1950 304, HAMBY, Lela White, b. 7-jan-1881, d. 27-jul-1970 295, HAMBY, Lucy P., b. 30-may-1896, d. 13-feb-1981 332, HAMBY, M. Layfayette, b. 15-oct-1871, d. 21-jan-1919 296, HAMBY, M. Zeke, b. 22-dec-1895, d. 23-dec-1979 314, HAMBY, Mollie, b. 331, HAMBY, Nettie D., b. 14-may-1877, d. 30-dec-1957 312, HAMBY, Polly Ann, b. 294, HAMBY, Ruth, b. 22-jul-1928, d. 2-jul-1941 305, HAMBY, Samuel J., b. 25-jun-1870, 11-jan-1952 308, HAMBY, Susan, b. 1875, d. 1956 339, HAMBY, W.T., b. 7-aug-1870, d. 9-aug-1931 842, HAMBY, Zeke, no dates 563, HARDEN, Edward, b. 8-mar-1864, d. 22-feb-1946 567, HARDEN, John A., b. 1810, d. 25-jul-1877 566, HARDEN, Julia C., b. 14-sept-1909, 24-may-1911 565, HARDEN, Julius Grant, b. 20-dec-1907, d. 23-aug-1923 552, HARDEN, Margaret E., b. 1813, d. 26-may-1891 564, HARDEN, S. Margaret, b. 22-mar-1869, d. 24-mar-1939 551, HARDIN, John, b. 19-aug-1892, d. 16-feb-1910 133, HEDDEN, Mary M., b. 19-apr-1880, d. 25-feb-1956 131, HEDDEN, Oscar, b. 28-oct-1911, d. 3-jan-1930 132, HEDDEN, Ranson W. , b. 10-may-1880, d. 30-nov-1926 641, HENRY, Clara Conley, b. 30-sept-1877, d. 7-jun-1961 642, HENRY, Isaac Walton, b. 22-aug-1874, d. 26-jan-1951 365, HENRY, Lassie Conley, b. 1-mar-1880, d. 12-aug-1971 616, HENRY, W. Conley, b. 13-aug-1909, d. 25-sept-1979 602, HERNDON, Infant Son, no dates 603, HERNDON, Infant Son, no dates 605, HERNDON, Samuel George, b. 21-oct-1839, d. 30-aug-1876 676, HINKLE, Olive, b. 19-sept-1895, d. age 1y 654, HOGSED, Abigail, b. 24-mar-1788, d. 7-jan-1864 653, HOGSED, Roxie L., b. 20-jan-1882, d. 23-nov-1882 685, HOLDEN, Dora Robertson, b. 1-nov-1869, d. 19-may-1929 667, HOLDEN, Julia Crane, b. 7-sept-1876, d. 25-feb-1949 686, HOLDEN, Virgil F., b. 7-mar-1864, d. 30-oct-1935 829, HOLLIFIELD, Charles, d. 1914 830, HOLLIFIELD, Inda F., d. 1944 839, HOLLIFIELD, Obie, b. 1912, d. 1979 838, HOLLIFIELD, Wade, b. 1914, d. 1979 139, HOPKINS, Addis Roach, b. 15-mar-1905, d. 7-nov-1972 140, HOPKINS, Colie B., b. 22-oct-1912, d. 25-dec-1974 110, HOPKINS, J.B., b. 14-jan-1936, d. 7-apr-1981 111, HOPKINS, Louise Q., b. 6-apr-1936 32, HUDSON, Doyle S., b.2-dec-1914, d. 19-may-1982 31, HUDSON, Elizabeth H., b. 27-apr-1921 424, HUNT, Binnie, b. no dates 362, HUNT, Charles W., b. 5-jul-1828, d. 4-jul-1910 749, HUNT, Elizabeth, b. 10-dec-1895, d. 21-apr-1923 361, HUNT, Harriet Earle Burns, b. 20-oct-1829, d. 8-may-1906 364, HUNT, Margaret B., b. 15-dec-1861, d. 22-feb-1937 426, HUNT, Nettie Sims, b. 2-feb-1862, d. 15-jan-1897 427, HUNT, Simon, b. 25-jan-1853, d. 26-nov-1930 363, HUNT, William Robert, b. 14-mar-1873, d. 9-aug-1967 430, HUNTER, Emma, b. 3-nov-1881, d. 24-oct-1904 328, IVESTER, Clara A., b. 25-nov-1853, d. 23-feb-1906 329, IVESTER, Joseph W., b. 14-feb-1855, d. 30-jan-1926 55, JAMES, Carrie Wilbanks, b. 1-may-1901, d. 31-dec-1937 53, JAMES, Essie 310, JAMES, Fannie Hamby, b. 27-sept-1901, d. 10-mar-1921 524, JAMES, H.C., b. 3-apr-1854, d. 8-nov-1902 666, JAMES, Jack V., b. 24-jun-1923, d. 24-jun-1923 665, JAMES, Minnie Holden, b. 27-mar-1888, d. 13-jan-1929 54, JAMES, Novie, b. 10-may-1895, d. 6-aug-1980 525, JAMES, Theodore P., b. 15-may-1845, d. 22-dec-1936 522, JOHNSON, Selina V., b. 1874, d. 1958 523, JOHNSON, Steben B., b. 1878, d. 1959 392, JOLLAY, James T., b. 22-aug-1889, d. 25-jul-1977 721, JOSIE, E.G., no dates 594, KILLIAN, George, b. 16-may-1902, d. 1-may-1880 593, KILLIAN, Polly, b. 9-jan-1808, d. 19-may-1885 658, KING, Clara, d. 1878, age 70y 657, KING, Ephraim, b. 15-may-1823, d. 16-may-1870 661, KING, Infant Son, b. 15-nov-1873, d. 23-nov-1873 754, KING, James, b. 26-nov-1903, d. age 84y 755, KING, Martha J. McClure, b. 16-nov-1824, d. 22-oct-1921 656, KING, Sarah L., b. 1-mar-1827, d. 23-feb-1908 659, KING, Stephen R., b., no dates 802, KNIGHT, Caroline Potts, b. 30-dec-1851, d. 25-jan-1925 803, KNIGHT, J. Halen, csa, only 180, LAND, Alice Orr, b. 21-nov-1879, d. 7-jan-1950 181, LAND, William B., b. 5-may-1873, d. 5-sept-1939 786, LAWSON, Virgil, b. no dates 645, LYLES, Amy E., b. 19-apr-1881, d. 30-jun-1953 648, LYLES, James Turner, b. 31-may-1846, d. 8-may-1925 664, LYLES, Sarah E., b. 25-jul-1841, d. 12-dec-1918 647, LYLES, Selena E. Vissage, b. 25-may-1853, d. 6-jul-1900 663, LYLES, William A., csa 646, LYLES, William Clifton, b. 29-oct-1886, d. 13-jun-1948 538, MARTIN, Francis M., b. 21-mar-1916, d. age 81y 680, MASSEY, Pearl Whitmire Massey, b. 9-jul-1884, only date 394, McCALL, Anna Maud, b. 15-mar-1889, d. 26-sept-1943 393, McCALL, Charley M., b. 21-may-1883, d. 26-jan-1924 409, McCALL, Effie D., b. 17-jan-1880, d. 28-mar-1947 412, McCALL, Fannie Josephine Wilson, b. 27-sept-1849, d. 9-apr-1905 413, McCALL, Jacob P., b. 19-oct-1847, d. 14-mar-1931 411, McCALL, Mack, b. 3-nov-1867, d. 2-feb-1904 410, McCALL, Mary Axie, b. 10-jul-1874, d. 14-apr-1931 537, McCALL, William L., b., co d 9th tn cav 841, McCOY, Lizzie, b. 1-jan-1869, d. 27-feb-1941 577, McGILL, F., b. 5-sept-1842, d. 1-jan-1879 575, McGILL, M.E., b. 16-dec-1878, d. no date 576, McGILL, William H., d. 1915, csa co c orr's rifles 135, MILLER, Annie Hedden, b. 1914, d. 1965 768, MONGOLD, Elizabeth, d. 20-feb-1904, age 71y 619, MONGOLD, Fannie R., b. 10-may-1872, d. 7-jun-1900 622, MONGOLD, Infant Daughter, 19-dec-1911, only date 766, MONGOLD, John, d. 18-may-1868, age 85y 770, MONGOLD, Julian, no dates 769, MONGOLD, Julian H., b. 22-may-1889, d. 5-apr-1890 621, MONGOLD, Mary B., b. 18-jan-1871, d. 11-jan-1962 767, MONGOLD, Polley C., d. 7-dec-1886, age 87y 771, MONGOLD, Stephen, b. 22-nov-1858, d. 24-aug-1890 620, MONGOLD, William Bry, b. 20-may-1867, d. 5-feb-1920 828, MOORE, Martha E., b. 20-dec-1844, d. 12-nov-1902 218, MOORE, Sara Ross, b. 15-may-1866, d. 4-apr-1948 217, MORE, William Earl, b. 12-aug-1878, d. 19-dec-1949 557, NEELY, J. Harold, b. 14-oct-1917, d. 17-oct-1917 556, NEELY, M. Ellie, b. 19-jan-1901, d. 6-dec-1918 9. SNIDER, Nellie F., b. 15-oct-1867, d. 23-feb-1968 5, NICHOLSON, Balus C., b. 22-jan-1864, d. 7-jun-1954 673, NICHOLSON, Clarrisa G., b. 23-apr-1827, d. 2-dec-1875 675, NICHOLSON, Edward G., b. 6-may-1857, d. 26-feb-1864 6, NICHOLSON, Esther Rivers, b. 28-nov-1900, d. 30-mar-1969 7, NICHOLSON, Euber, b. 1888, d. 1952 3, NICHOLSON, Eugene N. b. 8-feb-1900, d. 3-sept-1971 672, NICHOLSON, Evan J., b. 6-feb-1853, d. 27-nov-1924 24, NICHOLSON, J. Bunyan, b. 23, NICHOLSON, John W., b. 27-dec-1917, d. 15-oct-1974 4, NICHOLSON, Josephine H., b. 28-apr-1867, d. 29-mar-1969 2, NICHOLSON, Lola S., b. 8-feb-1900, d. 22-jan-1979 17, NICHOLSON, Thomas Z., b. 14-aug-1916, d. 25-jan-1970 15, NICHOLSON, Wayne E., d. 28-dec-1951 674, NICHOLSON, William R., b. 22-dec-1823, d. 2-nov-1864 354, PALMQUIST, Annie Bell R., b. 25-sept-1911, d. 26-sept-1976 355, PALMQUIST, Carleton Lionel, b. 5-jan-1907, d. 10-may-1974 321, PATTERSON, Nora Wall, b. 419, PELL, Carrie Walker, b. 17-jan-1861, d. 24-mar-1947 423, PELL, Mattie H., b. 1887, d. no date 422, PELL, William Dewitt, b. 1887, d. 1966 599, PENDLY, Roxanna Abi, b. 23-aug-1857, d. 5-nov-1860 836, PHILLIPS, Arah, b. 5-may-1860, d. 23-may-1941 285, PHILLIPS, Dana Francis, b. 22-nov-1891, d. 13-oct-1917 810, PHILLIPS, Evan, csa sc rifles 284, PHILLIPS, Harry L., b. 3-sept-1917, 10-mar-1919 831, PHILLIPS, Henry Lex, b. 29-mar-1899, d. 19-mar-1977 282, PHILLIPS, Katie Beatrice, b. 31-oct-1909, d. 19-mar-1922 832, PHILLIPS, Lee J., b. 7-apr-1870, d. 16-aug-1918 287, PHILLIPS, M.L., b. 1-apr-1852, d. 12-may-1935 286, PHILLIPS, Mattie Harden, b. 23-jan-1853, d. 27-may-1926 834, PHILLIPS, Mollie, b. 10-apr-1877, d. 1-oct-1955 281, PHILLIPS, Rodah E. Duncan, b. 17-dec-1887, d. 12-dec-1910 835, PHILLIPS, Susan, b. 18-spet-1855, d. 23-feb-1941 288, PHILLIPS, Zeke, b. 16-apr-1885, d. 3-jun-1975 429, PTTY, John W., b. 25-jun-1876, d. 2-may-1878 447, QUARLES, Addie L., b. 12-apr-1905, d. 2-mar-1979 745, QUARLES, David, b. 1840, d. 2-nov-1894 746, QUARLES, Margaret Richey, b. 29-jul-1841, d. 3-jun-1891 651, QUARLES, Nancy B., b. 25-mar-1828, d. 8-jul-1909 450, QUARLES, Rosa R., b. 9-jan-1877, d. 3-feb-1958 449, QUARLES, S.R., b. 13-mar-1877, d. 2-jan-1942 451, QUARLES, Sarah, b. 9-nov-1840, d. 3-sept-1927 448, QUARLES, Tom J., b. 6-dec-1896, d. 21-may-1940 108, QUEEN, Henry, b. 20-mar-1910, d. 24-oct-1946 75, QUEEN, infant daughter, b. no dates 74, QUEEN, infant son, b. no dates 109, QUEEN, Jackie, b. 6-aug-1937, d. 5-dec-1941 77, QUEEN, James L., b. 7-jan-1907, d. 28-dec-1950 107, QUEEN, Nellie Snider, b. 18-may-1915 76, QUEEN, Ollie B., b. 25-jul-1900, d. 31-mar-1953 395, RAINES, Ruby Barker, b. 18-jan-1897, d. 9-jan-1917 38, RAMEY, Bonnie Teague, b. 1-mar-1906, d. 31=jul-1969 416, RAMEY, Claude, b. 4-feb-1901, d. 17-apr-1901 415, RAMEY, Emma Lenora Freeman, b. 5-sept-1877, d. 20-nov-1917 560, RAMEY, Isaac A., b. 27-jan-1859, d. 1-feb-190 456, RAMEY, J. Nelson, b. 18-may-1878, d. 23-may-1964 124, RAMEY, Joe, b. 1-apr-1895, d. 9-apr-1975 358, RAMEY, Lela Hunt, b. jul-1871, d. 19-sept-1929 39, RAMEY, Major Redmon, b. 4-oct-1894, d. 25-apr-1957 717, RAMEY, Martha Emeline, no dates 123, RAMEY, Mary, b. 27-apr-1905, d. 14-jul-1978 452, RAMEY, Pathie Caroline, b. no dates 788, RAMEY, Virgil H., b. 10-jul-1886, d. 23-jan-1956 489, REID, Jacob, b. 12-jul-1890, d. age 70y 490, REID, Sarah, b., unreadable 43, RESERVED, Duncan 29, RESERVED, Hudson 30, RESERVED, Hudson 16, RESERVED, Nicholson, Mamie N., b. 3-nov-1922 18, RESERVED, Nicholson 36, RESERVED, Ramey 37, RESERVED, Ramey 70, RESERVED, Smith 71, RESERVED, Smith 48, RESERVED, Webb 738, RICHEY, Sarah Quarles, b. 20-mar-1845, 3-dec-1896 61, ROACH, Addie S., b. 28-mar-1905 258, ROACH, Baxter, b. csa co d 22 sc rifles 234, ROACH, Bessie, b. 7-oct-1893, d. 9-jul-1931 261, ROACH, Carrie P., b. 1882, 1961 260, ROACH, Clarence, b. 10-jun-1904, d.25-aug-1930 471, ROACH, Danny Franklin, b. 1961, d. 1978 470, ROACH, Dee, b. 1922, d. 1978 62, ROACH, Dee F. , b. 17-jul-1901, d. 22-feb-1961 259, ROACH, Dewey, b. 21-jul-1903, 6-aug-1930 200, ROACH, Dock Jason, b. 13-aug-1915, d. 16-feb-1970 210, ROACH, Edith J., b. 1927 473, ROACH, Frank, b. 1913, d. no date 195, ROACH, Glaydes A., b. 9-apr-1931, d. 10-feb-1932 205, ROACH, Harley Dee, b. 14-apr-1922, d. 23-apr-1977 201, ROACH, Irene M., b. 24-apr-1920 475, ROACH, J.B., b. 1909, d. 1968 211, ROACH, John Lewis, b. 23-sept-1917, d. 14-jul-1978 262, ROACH, Ki, b. 1877, d. 1948 505, ROACH, L.F., b. no date 197, ROACH, Lewis, b. 17-dec-1892, d. 1-jan-1974 476, ROACH, Lydia N., b. no dates 204, ROACH, Mildred Cobb, b. 3-jul-1930 142, ROACH, Nancy Lyles, b. 28-jan-1871, d. 16-dec-1936 472, ROACH, Peggy Agnes G. b. 1925, d. 1978 477, ROACH, Robert, b. 1870, d. 1946 196, ROACH, Sibbie M., b. 11-jul-1895, d. 1-aug-1932 143, ROACH, Willie E., b. 13-sept-1866, d. 28-oct-1939 626, ROBINS, Abel, b., d. 18-may-1892, age 81y 352, ROBINS, Ada C., b. 22-feb-1884, d. 5-feb-1955 630, ROBINS, Daniel P., b. 9-oct-1829, d. 20-nov-1901 636, ROBINS, Eleanor B., b. 11-nov-1853, d. 20-apr-1943 650, ROBINS, Fannie E., b. 22-may-1852, d. 23-dec-1909 623, ROBINS, Frances Norton, b. 2-apr-1845, d. 11-apr-1938 634, ROBINS, James H., b. 5-jun-1837, d. 21-may-1907 628, ROBINS, Kate A., b. 8-dec-1842, d. 27-dec-1884 635, ROBINS, Katie Bell, b. 30-sept-1888, d. 14-may-1922 633, ROBINS, Levi N., b. 17-jan-1852, d. 4-feb-1919 627, ROBINS, Rachel, b. 17-jun-1812, d. 6-jul-1859 353, ROBINS, Robert L., b. 13-sept-1883, d. 6-mar-1966 629, ROBINS, Waddy T., b. 15-apr-1840, d. 2-feb-1893 518, ROCHESTER, Ida Vissage, b. 29-may-1870, d. 15-jul-1923 502, ROWLAND, Flora Reese, b. 12-feb-1812, d. 7-jan-1894 501, ROWLAND, William, b.30-jan-1808, d. 31-mar-1890 498, RUSSELL, George K., b. 1-nov-1879, d. 25-may-1903 495, RUSSELL, Irvine F., b. 11-oct-1887, d. 17-mar-1957 497, RUSSELL, Jane Nicholson, b. 14-mar-1851, d. 22-apr-1935 499, RUSSELL, Nannie O., b. 21-aug-1877, d. 4-sept-1886 496, RUSSELL, William G., b. 2-jul-1835, d. 16-oct-1921 458, SIMS, Hugh G., b. 31-aug-1892, d. 19-may-1961 457, SIMS, Roxie Orr, b. 1-jul-1898, d. 10-apr-1979 459, SIMS, Ruth, b. 31-dec-1921, d. 1-feb-1922 381, SLAYTON, Mary M., b. 25-may-1899, d. 10-sept-1916 69. RESERVED, Smith 68, SMITH, Albert H., b.1909, d. 1959 103, SMITH, Bruce D., b. & d. 7-jul-1964 102, SMITH, Larnce M., b. 30-jan-1934, d. 22-feb-1934 101, SMITH, Linda F., b. 3-mar-1948, d. 15-jun-1958 10,SNIDER, Henry E., b. 21-mar-1867, d. 5-nov-1953 837, SNIDER, Joice, b. 18-may-1947, d. 3-feb-1948 1, STRANGE, Robert E., no dates 146, SWAFFORD 150, SWAFFORD, Beula B. , b. 26-may-1933 474, SWAFFORD, Charley, b. 1900, d. 1970 145, SWAFFORD, George W., b. 12-may-1881, d. 9-may-1956 44, SWAFFORD, Gervis R., b. 1913, d. 1966 14, SWAFFORD, Grover, b. 1911, d. 1964 147, SWAFFORD, Idell, b. 1925, d. 1980 144, SWAFFORD, Martha E., b. 17-jul-1890, d. 23-nov-1962 120, SWAFFORD, Sandra, b. & d. 1961 151, SWAFFORD, William L., b. 22-apr-1926, d. 9-sept-1972 466, SYMES, Ellen C., b. 28-jun-1875, d. 30-apr-1878 465, SYMES, George W., b. 22-feb-1818, d. 24-aug-1891 467, SYMES, Infant Son, no dates 519, SYMES, Manson Jolly, b. 3-sept-1868, d. 26-feb-1908 461, Symes, Mattie W., b. 13-jul-1843, d. 26-sept-1882 462, Symes, Rebert L., b. 17-apr-1852, d. 30-mar-1911 464, SYMES, Ruah E., b. 11-aug-1833, d. 12-feb-1891 460, SYMES, Sallie A., b. 23-oct-1866, d. 1-sept-1907 67, TEAL, Sandra S., b. 1957, d. 1973 19, TOWE, infant twin boys, only date 1970 113, UNKNOWN 114, UNKNOWN 729, UNKNOWN 730, UNKNOWN 801, UNKNOWN 398, UNKNOWN, F.B., 808, UNKNOWN, field & metal marker 572, UNKNOWN, field & metal marker 50, UNKNOWN, field stone 88, UNKNOWN, field stone 193, UNKNOWN, field stone 225, UNKNOWN, field stone 256, UNKNOWN, field stone 257, UNKNOWN, field stone 306, UNKNOWN, field stone 403, UNKNOWN, field stone 404, UNKNOWN, field stone 405, UNKNOWN, field stone 408, UNKNOWN, field stone 438, UNKNOWN, field stone 453, UNKNOWN, field stone 454, UNKNOWN, field stone 480, UNKNOWN, field stone 481, UNKNOWN, field stone 483, UNKNOWN, field stone 483, UNKNOWN, field stone 484, UNKNOWN, field stone 485, UNKNOWN, field stone 486, UNKNOWN, field stone 487, UNKNOWN, field stone 488, UNKNOWN, field stone 500, UNKNOWN, field stone 503, UNKNOWN, field stone 506, UNKNOWN, field stone 507, UNKNOWN, field stone 508, UNKNOWN, field stone 509, UNKNOWN, field stone 526, UNKNOWN, field stone 528, UNKNOWN, field stone 529, UNKNOWN, field stone 530, UNKNOWN, field stone 531, UNKNOWN, field stone 532, UNKNOWN, field stone 533, UNKNOWN, field stone 534, UNKNOWN, field stone 535, UNKNOWN, field stone 536, UNKNOWN, field stone 539, UNKNOWN, field stone 540, UNKNOWN, field stone 541, UNKNOWN, field stone 542, UNKNOWN, field stone 546, UNKNOWN, field stone 548, UNKNOWN, field stone 549, UNKNOWN, field stone 550, UNKNOWN, field stone 553, UNKNOWN, field stone 554, UNKNOWN, field stone 569, UNKNOWN, field stone 570, UNKNOWN, field stone 571, UNKNOWN, field stone 573, UNKNOWN, field stone 574, UNKNOWN, field stone 595, UNKNOWN, field stone 596, UNKNOWN, field stone 600, UNKNOWN, field stone 601, UNKNOWN, field stone 606, UNKNOWN, field stone 660, UNKNOWN, field stone 662, UNKNOWN, field stone 681, UNKNOWN, field stone 682, UNKNOWN, field stone 684, UNKNOWN, field stone 687, UNKNOWN, field stone 688, UNKNOWN, field stone 689, UNKNOWN, field stone 695, UNKNOWN, field stone 696, UNKNOWN, field stone 697, UNKNOWN, field stone 698, UNKNOWN, field stone 699, UNKNOWN, field stone 700, UNKNOWN, field stone 701, UNKNOWN, field stone 702, UNKNOWN, field stone 703, UNKNOWN, field stone 704, UNKNOWN, field stone 705, UNKNOWN, field stone 706, UNKNOWN, field stone 707, UNKNOWN, field stone 708, UNKNOWN, field stone 709, UNKNOWN, field stone 710, UNKNOWN, field stone 715, UNKNOWN, field stone 716, UNKNOWN, field stone 719, UNKNOWN, field stone 720, UNKNOWN, field stone 722, UNKNOWN, field stone 723, UNKNOWN, field stone 724, UNKNOWN, field stone 725, UNKNOWN, field stone 726, UNKNOWN, field stone 727, UNKNOWN, field stone 728, UNKNOWN, field stone 732, UNKNOWN, field stone 737, UNKNOWN, field stone 743, UNKNOWN, field stone 747, UNKNOWN, field stone 763, UNKNOWN, field stone 765, UNKNOWN, field stone 793, UNKNOWN, field stone 794, UNKNOWN, field stone 796, UNKNOWN, field stone 807, UNKNOWN, field stone 809, UNKNOWN, field stone 811, UNKNOWN, field stone 812, UNKNOWN, field stone 822, UNKNOWN, field stone 823, UNKNOWN, field stone 824, UNKNOWN, field stone 825, UNKNOWN, field stone 826, UNKNOWN, field stone 833, UNKNOWN, fieldstone 51, UNKNOWN, metal marker 87, UNKNOWN, metal marker 104, UNKNOWN, metal marker 116, UNKNOWN, metal marker 117, UNKNOWN, metal marker 232, UNKNOWN, metal marker 233, UNKNOWN, metal marker 346, UNKNOWN, metal marker 347, UNKNOWN, metal marker 517, VISSAGE, Anna, b. 1-mar-1878, d. 16-dec-1917 129, VISSAGE, Carnelia H., b. 1860, d. 1938 130, VISSAGE, Clifton, b. 1882, d. 1939 492, VISSAGE, Dora, b. 1868, d. 1929 513, VISSAGE, Eliza, b. 9-mar-1885, d. 21-oct-1904 126, VISSAGE, Florence C., b. 4-sept-1900 521, VISSAGE, Hogan, b. 1904, d. 1932 512, VISSAGE, Infant Daughter, b. & d. 3-jul-1901 164, VISSAGE, James W., b. 29-feb-1872, d. 6-dec-1920 511, VISSAGE, John Dock, b. 16-jul-1875, d. 4-feb-1934 516, VISSAGE, John J., b., aged 61, csa 128, VISSAGE, Lena Mae, b. 5-may-1932, d. 22-mar-1933 514, VISSAGE, Leona, b. 27-feb-1881, d. 18-jul-1943 127, VISSAGE, Leonard B., b. 20-may-1896, d. 12-oct-1978 515, VISSAGE, Melissa M. Fincher, b. 24-aug-1845, d. 23-oct-1919 491, VISSAGE, R.L., b. 1865, d. 1931 510, VISSAGE, Sallie Nicholson, b.15-aug-1880, d. 4-jul-1951 323, WALL, Logan Paris, b. 10-dec-1900, d. 13-dec-1972 322, WALL, Lula Holden, b. 10-oct-1887, d. 15-may-1978 436, WALL, Thomas F., b. 5-jan-1858, d. 7-feb-1907 64, WATKINS, Clara M., b. 16-jan-102 63, WATKINS, Dedrich E. , b. 3-feb-1882, d. 5-apr-1962 49, WEBB, John H., b. 9-oct-1911, d. 10-jan-1981 584, WELCH, May, b. 13-nov-1909, 1-feb-1913 679, WHITMIRE, Alfred, b. 2-oct-1853, d. 22-oct-1932 678, WHITMIRE, Harriet Nicholson, b. 10-nov-1855, d. 5-may-1937 677, WHITMIRE, Raymond Otis, b. 8-sept-1895, d. 29-jan-1896 758, WIGINGTON, Arlean, b. 20-mar-1902, d. 3-apr-1902 784, WIGINGTON, Olen, b. 17-jan-1899, d. 7-sept-1901 89, WILBANKS, baby, b. no dates 85, WILBANKS, Ben, b. 7-aug-1915, d. 6-apr-1954 561, WILBANKS, Cansada, b. 1886, d. 1972 559, WILBANKS, Crate, b. 3-jul-1928, d. 26-sept-1967 544, WILBANKS, Elizabeth H., b.24-dec-1857, d. 15-jan-1939 229, WILBANKS, George W., b. 26-feb-1850, d. 17-may-1925 547, WILBANKS, Infant Son, b & d. 11-jul-1909 543, WILBANKS, Jim, b. 8-feb-1917, d. 9-jun-1965 227, WILBANKS, John, b. 17-may-1883, d. 17-may-1935 228, WILBANKS, Laura A. Harden, b. 15-oct-1848, d. 17-mar-1922 562, WILBANKS, Lewis, b. 1886, d. 15-nov-1962 226, WILBANKS, Lillie C., b. 28-feb-1890, d. 17-jan-1975 545, WILLBANKS, David, b. aug-1861, d. 3-jun-1932 652, WILSON, Cora M., b. 15-may-1893, d. 18-oct-1894 79, WOODALL, Cora Belle, b. 1898, d. 1936 78, WOODALL, infant son, b. no dates 80, WOODALL, J. Luther, b. 1891, d. 1969 NOTE: The following is sorted by LOT NUMBER. 1, STRANGE, Robert E., no dates 2, NICHOLSON, Lola S., b. 8-feb-1900, d. 22-jan-1979 3, NICHOLSON, Eugene N. b. 8-feb-1900, d. 3-sept-1971 4, NICHOLSON, Josephine H., b. 28-apr-1867, d. 29-mar-1969 5, NICHOLSON, Balus C., b. 22-jan-1864, d. 7-jun-1954 6, NICHOLSON, Esther Rivers, b. 28-nov-1900, d. 30-mar-1969 7, NICHOLSON, Euber, b. 1888, d. 1952 8, AVAILABLE 9. SNIDER, Nellie F., b. 15-oct-1867, d. 23-feb-1968 10,SNIDER, Henry E., b. 21-mar-1867, d. 5-nov-1953 11, AVAILABLE 12, AVAILABLE 13, AVAILABLE 14, SWAFFORD, Grover, b. 1911, d. 1964 15, NICHOLSON, Wayne E., d. 28-dec-1951 16, RESERVED, Nicholson, Mamie N., b. 3-nov-1922 17, NICHOLSON, Thomas Z., b. 14-aug-1916, d. 25-jan-1970 18, RESERVED, Nicholson 19, TOWE, infant twin boys, only date 1970 20, AVAILABLE 21, AVAILABLE 22, AVAILABLE 23, NICHOLSON, John W., b. 27-dec-1917, d. 15-oct-1974 24, NICHOLSON, J. Bunyan, b. 25, AVAILABLE 26, AVAILABLE 27, AVAILABLE 28, AVAILABLE 29, RESERVED, Hudson 30, RESERVED, Hudson 31, HUDSON, Elizabeth H., b. 27-apr-1921 32, HUDSON, Doyle S., b.2-dec-1914, d. 19-may-1982 33, AVAILABLE 34, AVAILABLE 35, AVAILABLE 36, RESERVED, Ramey 37, RESERVED, Ramey 38, RAMEY, Bonnie Teague, b. 1-mar-1906, d. 31=jul-1969 39, RAMEY, Major Redmon, b. 4-oct-1894, d. 25-apr-1957 40, DUNCAN, Jay Loyd, b. 29-aug-1927, d. 10-oct-1951 41, DUNCAN, Ada Grace H., b. 1902, d. 1943 42, DUNCAN, LaFayette, b. 1902, d. 1953 43, RESERVED, Duncan 44, SWAFFORD, Gervis R., b. 1913, d. 1966 45, AVAILABLE 46, AVAILABLE 47, AVAILABLE 48, RESERVED, Webb 49, WEBB, John H., b. 9-oct-1911, d. 10-jan-1981 50, UNKNOWN, field stone 51, UNKNOWN, metal marker 52, AVAILABLE 53, JAMES, Essie 54, JAMES, Novie, b. 10-may-1895, d. 6-aug-1980 55, JAMES, Carrie Wilbanks, b. 1-may-1901, d. 31-dec-1937 56, BURTON, Wiley R., b. 1897, d. 1977 57, BURTON, Dora B., reserved, b. 1897 58, AVAILABLE 59, AVAILABLE 60, AVAILABLE 61, ROACH, Addie S., b. 28-mar-1905 62, ROACH, Dee F. , b. 17-jul-1901, d. 22-feb-1961 63, WATKINS, Dedrich E. , b. 3-feb-1882, d. 5-apr-1962 64, WATKINS, Clara M., b. 16-jan-102 65, AVAILABLE 66, AVAILABLE 67, TEAL, Sandra S., b. 1957, d. 1973 68, SMITH, Albert H., b.1909, d. 1959 69. RESERVED, Smith 70, RESERVED, Smith 71, RESERVED, Smith 72, AVAILABLE 73, AVAILABLE 74, QUEEN, infant son, b. no dates 75, QUEEN, infant daughter, b. no dates 76, QUEEN, Ollie B., b. 25-jul-1900, d. 31-mar-1953 77, QUEEN, James L., b. 7-jan-1907, d. 28-dec-1950 78, WOODALL, infant son, b. no dates 79, WOODALL, Cora Belle, b. 1898, d. 1936 80, WOODALL, J. Luther, b. 1891, d. 1969 81, AVAILABLE 82, AVAILABLE 83, AVAILABLE 84, AVAILABLE 85, WILBANKS, Ben, b. 7-aug-1915, d. 6-apr-1954 86, AVAILABLE 87, UNKNOWN, metal marker 88, UNKNOWN, field stone 89, WILBANKS, baby, b. no dates 90, AVAILABLE 91, BLACK, Sandra Gay, b. 21-sept-1959, d. 16-oct-1959 92, BLACK, Hattie Elizabeth, b. 2-feb-1939 93, BLACK, Clyde Patton, b. 2-oct-1933 94, AVAILABLE 95, AVAILABLE 96, AVAILABLE 97, AVAILABLE 98, AVAILABLE 99, AVAILABLE 100, AVAILABLE 101, SMITH, Linda F., b. 3-mar-1948, d. 15-jun-1958 102, SMITH, Larnce M., b. 30-jan-1934, d. 22-feb-1934 103, SMITH, Bruce D., b. & d. 7-jul-1964 104, UNKNOWN, metal marker 105, AVAILABLE 106, AVAILABLE 107, QUEEN, Nellie Snider, b. 18-may-1915 108, QUEEN, Henry, b. 20-mar-1910, d. 24-oct-1946 109, QUEEN, Jackie, b. 6-aug-1937, d. 5-dec-1941 110, HOPKINS, J.B., b. 14-jan-1936, d. 7-apr-1981 111, HOPKINS, Louise Q., b. 6-apr-1936 112, AVAILABLE 113, UNKNOWN 114, UNKNOWN 115, AVAILABLE 116, UNKNOWN, metal marker 117, UNKNOWN, metal marker 118, AVAILABLE 119, AVAILABLE 120, SWAFFORD, Sandra, b. & d. 1961 121, AVAILABLE 122, AVAILABLE 123, RAMEY, Mary, b. 27-apr-1905, d. 14-jul-1978 124, RAMEY, Joe, b. 1-apr-1895, d. 9-apr-1975 125, AVAILABLE 126, VISSAGE, Florence C., b. 4-sept-1900 127, VISSAGE, Leonard B., b. 20-may-1896, d. 12-oct-1978 128, VISSAGE, Lena Mae, b. 5-may-1932, d. 22-mar-1933 129, VISSAGE, Carnelia H., b. 1860, d. 1938 130, VISSAGE, Clifton, b. 1882, d. 1939 131, HEDDEN, Oscar, b. 28-oct-1911, d. 3-jan-1930 132, HEDDEN, Ranson W. , b. 10-may-1880, d. 30-nov-1926 133, HEDDEN, Mary M., b. 19-apr-1880, d. 25-feb-1956 134, GREENE, John D. Jr, b. 25-aug-1937, d. 26-sept-1945 135, MILLER, Annie Hedden, b. 1914, d. 1965 136, AVAILABLE 137, AVAILABLE 138, AVAILABLE 139, HOPKINS, Addis Roach, b. 15-mar-1905, d. 7-nov-1972 140, HOPKINS, Colie B., b. 22-oct-1912, d. 25-dec-1974 141, AVAILABLE 142, ROACH, Nancy Lyles, b. 28-jan-1871, d. 16-dec-1936 143, ROACH, Willie E., b. 13-sept-1866, d. 28-oct-1939 144, SWAFFORD, Martha E., b. 17-jul-1890, d. 23-nov-1962 145, SWAFFORD, George W., b. 12-may-1881, d. 9-may-1956 146, SWAFFORD 147, SWAFFORD, Idell, b. 1925, d. 1980 148, AVAILABLE 149, AVAILABLE 150, SWAFFORD, Beula B. , b. 26-may-1933 151, SWAFFORD, William L., b. 22-apr-1926, d. 9-sept-1972 152, AVAILABLE 153, AVAILABLE 154, BROOKS, Tommy Kenneth, b. 24-nov-1952, d. 21-may-1973 155, AVAILABLE 156, BROOKS, Andy C., b. 3-aug-1913, d. 1-may-1963 157, BROOKS, E. Franklin, b. 21-jul-1909, d. 6-jul-1960 158, BROOKS, James E., b. 9-nov-1907, d. 4-may-1960 159, BROOKS, William Moses, b. 10-may-1882, d. 28-jan-1963 160, AVAILABLE 161, AVAILABLE 162, AVAILABLE 163, AVAILABLE 164, VISSAGE, James W., b. 29-feb-1872, d. 6-dec-1920 165, AVAILABLE 166, AVAILABLE 167, FINCHER, Ida P., b. 1877, d. 1952 168, FINCHER, Timothy (Tim), b. 1874, d. 1936 169, FINCHER, Harmon, b. 7-aug-1895, d. 26-aug-1926 170, CANT, Andrew M., b. 2-sept-1895, d. 5-sept-1971 171, CANT, Mable T., b. 28-oct-1901, d. 22-jun-1972 172, BROOKS, Ina Lillian, b. 12-sept-1912 173, BROOKS, Commodore B., b. 29-feb-1888, d. 22-mar-1869 174, BROOKS, Randy, b. 18-oct-1952, d. 12-jan-1963 175, AVAILABLE 176, AVAILABLE 177, AVAILABLE 178, AVAILABLE 179, CROWE, Mary Alice, b. 29-dec-1969, d. 14-feb-1976 180, LAND, Alice Orr, b. 21-nov-1879, d. 7-jan-1950 181, LAND, William B., b. 5-may-1873, d. 5-sept-1939 182, AVAILABLE 183, AVAILABLE 184, AVAILABLE 185, AVAILABLE 186, DAVIS, Willie, b. 6-may-1914, d. 25-dec-1914 187, AVAILABLE 188, AVAILABLE 189, AVAILABLE 190, AVAILABLE 191, AVAILABLE 192, AVAILABLE 193, UNKNOWN, field stone 194, AVAILABLE 195, ROACH, Glaydes A., b. 9-apr-1931, d. 10-feb-1932 196, ROACH, Sibbie M., b. 11-jul-1895, d. 1-aug-1932 197, ROACH, Lewis, b. 17-dec-1892, d. 1-jan-1974 198, AVAILABLE 199, AVAILABLE 200, ROACH, Dock Jason, b. 13-aug-1915, d. 16-feb-1970 201, ROACH, Irene M., b. 24-apr-1920 202, AVAILABLE 203, AVAILABLE 204, ROACH, Mildred Cobb, b. 3-jul-1930 205, ROACH, Harley Dee, b. 14-apr-1922, d. 23-apr-1977 206, AVAILABLE 207, AVAILABLE 208, AVAILABLE 209, AVAILABLE 210, ROACH, Edith J., b. 1927 211, ROACH, John Lewis, b. 23-sept-1917, d. 14-jul-1978 212, AVAILABLE 213, AVAILABLE 214, BROOKS, William Roy, b. 3-nov-1943, d. 15-aug-1961 215, AVAILABLE 216, AVAILABLE 217, MORE, William Earl, b. 12-aug-1878, d. 19-dec-1949 218, MOORE, Sara Ross, b. 15-may-1866, d. 4-apr-1948 219, CALLAS, Infant Son, b. & d. 4-mar-1932 220, CALLAS, Eva Manning, b. 15-sept-1894, d. 8-jan-1944 221, CALLAS, Evan, b. 19-may-1879, d. 2-jul-1949 222, AVAILABLE 223, AVAILABLE 224, AVAILABLE 225, UNKNOWN, field stone 226, WILBANKS, Lillie C., b. 28-feb-1890, d. 17-jan-1975 227, WILBANKS, John, b. 17-may-1883, d. 17-may-1935 228, WILBANKS, Laura A. Harden, b. 15-oct-1848, d. 17-mar-1922 229, WILBANKS, George W., b. 26-feb-1850, d. 17-may-1925 230, AVAILABLE 231, AVAILABLE 232, UNKNOWN, metal marker 233, UNKNOWN, metal marker 234, ROACH, Bessie, b. 7-oct-1893, d. 9-jul-1931 235, AVAILABLE 236, AVAILABLE 237, AVAILABLE 238, AVAILABLE 239, AVAILABLE 240, AVAILABLE 241, AVAILABLE 242, AVAILABLE 243, AVAILABLE 244, AVAILABLE 245, AVAILABLE 246, AVAILABLE 247, BLECKLEY, Timmie R., b. 15-nov-1872, d. 15-apr-1930 248, AVAILABLE 249, COUCH, Nettie Blackwell, b. 2-sept-1913, d. 9-oct-1972 250, BLACKWELL, Lena E., b. 31-aug-1911, d. 4-jan-1912 251, BLACKWELL, Etta, b. 20-may-1881, d. 13-may-1926 252, BLACKWELL, Steve, b. 20-mar-1882, d. 8-aug-1957 253, BLACKWELL, Ossie Bell Ried, b. 14-jan-1905, d. 14-jan-1938 254, AVAILABLE 255, AVAILABLE 256, UNKNOWN, field stone 257, UNKNOWN, field stone 258, ROACH, Baxter, b. csa co d 22 sc rifles 259, ROACH, Dewey, b. 21-jul-1903, 6-aug-1930 260, ROACH, Clarence, b. 10-jun-1904, d.25-aug-1930 261, ROACH, Carrie P., b. 1882, 1961 262, ROACH, Ki, b. 1877, d. 1948 263, AVAILABLE 264, AVAILABLE 265, AVAILABLE 266, AVAILABLE 267, AVAILABLE 268, AVAILABLE 269, AVAILABLE 270, AVAILABLE 271, AVAILABLE 272, AVAILABLE 273, AVAILABLE 274, AVAILABLE 275, AVAILABLE 276, AVAILABLE 277, AVAILABLE 278, AVAILABLE 279, AVAILABLE 280, AVAILABLE 281, PHILLIPS, Rodah E. Duncan, b. 17-dec-1887, d. 12-dec-1910 282, PHILLIPS, Katie Beatrice, b. 31-oct-1909, d. 19-mar-1922 283, AVAILABLE 284, PHILLIPS, Harry L., b. 3-sept-1917, 10-mar-1919 285, PHILLIPS, Dana Francis, b. 22-nov-1891, d. 13-oct-1917 286, PHILLIPS, Mattie Harden, b. 23-jan-1853, d. 27-may-1926 287, PHILLIPS, M.L., b. 1-apr-1852, d. 12-may-1935 288, PHILLIPS, Zeke, b. 16-apr-1885, d. 3-jun-1975 289, AVAILABLE 290, AVAILABLE 291, AVAILABLE 292, AVAILABLE 293, AVAILABLE 294, HAMBY, Ruth, b. 22-jul-1928, d. 2-jul-1941 295, HAMBY, Lucy P., b. 30-may-1896, d. 13-feb-1981 296, HAMBY, M. Zeke, b. 22-dec-1895, d. 23-dec-1979 297, AVAILABLE 298, AVAILABLE 299, AVAILABLE 300, AVAILABLE 301, AVAILABLE 302, AVAILABLE 303, AVAILABLE 304, HAMBY, Lela White, b. 7-jan-1881, d. 27-jul-1970 305, HAMBY, Samuel J., b. 25-jun-1870, 11-jan-1952 306, UNKNOWN, field stone 307, AVAILABLE 308, HAMBY, Susan, b. 1875, d. 1956 309, HAMBY, E.M., b. 1859, d. 1949 310, JAMES, Fannie Hamby, b. 27-sept-1901, d. 10-mar-1921 311, HAMBY, Earl, b. 312, HAMBY, Polly Ann, b. 313, HAMBY, Jefe D., b. 314, HAMBY, Mollie, b. 315, HAMBY, Jeff Bell, b. 316, AVAILABLE 317, AVAILABLE 318, AVAILABLE 319, AVAILABLE 320, AVAILABLE 321, PATTERSON, Nora Wall, b. 322, WALL, Lula Holden, b. 10-oct-1887, d. 15-may-1978 323, WALL, Logan Paris, b. 10-dec-1900, d. 13-dec-1972 324, DUNCAN, Lela H., b. 6-oct-1886, d. 16-jan-1965 325, DUNCAN, Jack Sr., b. 25-oct-1873, d. 5-jan-1965 326, AVAILABLE 327, AVAILABLE 328, IVESTER, Clara A., b. 25-nov-1853, d. 23-feb-1906 329, IVESTER, Joseph W., b. 14-feb-1855, d. 30-jan-1926 330, AVAILABLE 331, HAMBY, Nettie D., b. 14-may-1877, d. 30-dec-1957 332, HAMBY, M. Layfayette, b. 15-oct-1871, d. 21-jan-1919 333, AVAILABLE 334, AVAILABLE 335, DUNCAN, Cynthia Hooper, b. 1851, d. 1924 336, DUNCAN, Frank, b. 1845, d. 1920 337, AVAILABLE 338, HAMBY, Fannie Duncan, b. 25-mar-1868, d. 1-aug-1936 339, HAMBY, W.T., b. 7-aug-1870, d. 9-aug-1931 340, BECK, Grover Lee, b. 3-may-1935, 8-may-1945 341, AVAILABLE 342, AVAILABLE 343, AVAILABLE 344, AVAILABLE 345, AVAILABLE 346, UNKNOWN, metal marker 347, UNKNOWN, metal marker 348, AVAILABLE 349, AVAILABLE 350, AVAILABLE 351, AVAILABLE 352, ROBINS, Ada C., b. 22-feb-1884, d. 5-feb-1955 353, ROBINS, Robert L., b. 13-sept-1883, d. 6-mar-1966 354, PALMQUIST, Annie Bell R., b. 25-sept-1911, d. 26-sept-1976 355, PALMQUIST, Carleton Lionel, b. 5-jan-1907, d. 10-may-1974 356, AVAILABLE 357, AVAILABLE 358, RAMEY, Lela Hunt, b. jul-1871, d. 19-sept-1929 359, AVAILABLE 360, BURNS, Thomas, b. 1837, d. 1896 361, HUNT, Harriet Earle Burns, b. 20-oct-1829, d. 8-may-1906 362, HUNT, Charles W., b. 5-jul-1828, d. 4-jul-1910 363, HUNT, William Robert, b. 14-mar-1873, d. 9-aug-1967 364, HUNT, Margaret B., b. 15-dec-1861, d. 22-feb-1937 365, HENRY, Lassie Conley, b. 1-mar-1880, d. 12-aug-1971 366, CONLEY, Mary Angel, b. 27-sept-1866, d. 8-sept-1943 367, CONLEY, Elizabeth Angel, b. 12-aug-1836, d. 12-aug-1922 368, CONLEY, Samuel G., b. 14-oct-1830, d. 30-may-1905 369, FOLK, Lizzie Conley, b. 24-nov-1880, d. 16-oct-1904 370, CONLEY, Eve Eugenia, b. 12-nov-1875, d. 30-dec-1884 371, CONLEY, Loiuse Armazette, b. 24-jul-1861, d. 27-mar-1903 372, CONLEY, G. Henry, b. 25-may-1862, d. 5-feb-1907 373, AVAILABLE 374, AVAILABLE 375, AVAILABLE 376, AVAILABLE 377, AVAILABLE 378, AVAILABLE 379, AVAILABLE 380, AVAILABLE 381, SLAYTON, Mary M., b. 25-may-1899, d. 10-sept-1916 382, AVAILABLE 383, AVAILABLE 384, AVAILABLE 385, AVAILABLE 386, AVAILABLE 387, AVAILABLE 388, AVAILABLE 389, AVAILABLE 390, AVAILABLE 391, AVAILABLE 392, JOLLAY, James T., b. 22-aug-1889, d. 25-jul-1977 393, McCALL, Charley M., b. 21-may-1883, d. 26-jan-1924 394, McCALL, Anna Maud, b. 15-mar-1889, d. 26-sept-1943 395, RAINES, Ruby Barker, b. 18-jan-1897, d. 9-jan-1917 396, BARKER, Marshall R., b. 1907, d. 1976 397, BARKER, Freddie Garvin, b. 30-apr-1893, d. 23-apr-1896 398, UNKNOWN, F.B., 399, BARKER, Josiah Franklin, b. 19-feb-1895, d. 18-apr-1896 400, BARKER, Fredrick Garvin, b. 28-oct-1848, d. 50oct-1924 401, BARKER, Mary E. Robertson, b. 29-aug-1869, d. 15-apr-1937 402, BARKER, Infant Son, b. 403, UNKNOWN, field stone 404, UNKNOWN, field stone 405, UNKNOWN, field stone 406, BARKER, Walter Clinton, b. 2-jun-1868, d. 10-may-1934 407, BARKER, Kannie V. Knight, b. 1-nov-1869, d. 14-jul-1961 408, UNKNOWN, field stone 409, McCALL, Effie D., b. 17-jan-1880, d. 28-mar-1947 410, McCALL, Mary Axie, b. 10-jul-1874, d. 14-apr-1931 411, McCALL, Mack, b. 3-nov-1867, d. 2-feb-1904 412, McCALL, Fannie Josephine Wilson, b. 27-sept-1849, d. 9-apr-1905 413, McCALL, Jacob P., b. 19-oct-1847, d. 14-mar-1931 414, AVAILABLE 415, RAMEY, Emma Lenora Freeman, b. 5-sept-1877, d. 20-nov-1917 416, RAMEY, Claude, b. 4-feb-1901, d. 17-apr-1901 417, FREEMAN, Rebecca, no dates 418, AVAILABLE 419, PELL, Carrie Walker, b. 17-jan-1861, d. 24-mar-1947 420, AVAILABLE 421, AVAILABLE 422, PELL, William Dewitt, b. 1887, d. 1966 423, PELL, Mattie H., b. 1887, d. no date 424, HUNT, Binnie, b. no dates 425, AVAILABLE 426, HUNT, Nettie Sims, b. 2-feb-1862, d. 15-jan-1897 427, HUNT, Simon, b. 25-jan-1853, d. 26-nov-1930 428, AVAILABLE 429, PTTY, John W., b. 25-jun-1876, d. 2-may-1878 430, HUNTER, Emma, b. 3-nov-1881, d. 24-oct-1904 431, AVAILABLE 432, AVAILABLE 433, AVAILABLE 434, AVAILABLE 435, AVAILABLE 436, WALL, Thomas F., b. 5-jan-1858, d. 7-feb-1907 437, AVAILABLE 438, UNKNOWN, field stone 439, AVAILABLE 440, AVAILABLE 441, AVAILABLE 442, AVAILABLE 443, AVAILABLE 444, BLACKWELL, Viirgil, b. 1903, d. 1975 445, BLACKWELL, Mary, b. 1903, d. 1975 446, BLACKWELL, Arnold, b. 1922, d. 1975 447, QUARLES, Addie L., b. 12-apr-1905, d. 2-mar-1979 448, QUARLES, Tom J., b. 6-dec-1896, d. 21-may-1940 449, QUARLES, S.R., b. 13-mar-1877, d. 2-jan-1942 450, QUARLES, Rosa R., b. 9-jan-1877, d. 3-feb-1958 451, QUARLES, Sarah, b. 9-nov-1840, d. 3-sept-1927 452, RAMEY, Pathie Caroline, b. no dates 453, UNKNOWN, field stone 454, UNKNOWN, field stone 455, AVAILABLE 456, RAMEY, J. Nelson, b. 18-may-1878, d. 23-may-1964 457, SIMS, Roxie Orr, b. 1-jul-1898, d. 10-apr-1979 458, SIMS, Hugh G., b. 31-aug-1892, d. 19-may-1961 459, SIMS, Ruth, b. 31-dec-1921, d. 1-feb-1922 460, SYMES, Sallie A., b. 23-oct-1866, d. 1-sept-1907 461, Symes, Mattie W., b. 13-jul-1843, d. 26-sept-1882 462, Symes, Rebert L., b. 17-apr-1852, d. 30-mar-1911 463, AVAILABLE 464, SYMES, Ruah E., b. 11-aug-1833, d. 12-feb-1891 465, SYMES, George W., b. 22-feb-1818, d. 24-aug-1891 466, SYMES, Ellen C., b. 28-jun-1875, d. 30-apr-1878 467, SYMES, Infant Son, no dates 468, AVAILABLE 469, AVAILABLE 470, ROACH, Dee, b. 1922, d. 1978 471, ROACH, Danny Franklin, b. 1961, d. 1978 472, ROACH, Peggy Agnes G. b. 1925, d. 1978 473, ROACH, Frank, b. 1913, d. no date 474, SWAFFORD, Charley, b. 1900, d. 1970 475, ROACH, J.B., b. 1909, d. 1968 476, ROACH, Lydia N., b. no dates 477, ROACH, Robert, b. 1870, d. 1946 478, AVAILABLE 479, AVAILABLE 480, UNKNOWN, field stone 481, UNKNOWN, field stone 482, AVAILABLE 483, UNKNOWN, field stone 483, UNKNOWN, field stone 484, UNKNOWN, field stone 485, UNKNOWN, field stone 486, UNKNOWN, field stone 487, UNKNOWN, field stone 488, UNKNOWN, field stone 489, REID, Jacob, b. 12-jul-1890, d. age 70y 490, REID, Sarah, b., unreadable 491, VISSAGE, R.L., b. 1865, d. 1931 492, VISSAGE, Dora, b. 1868, d. 1929 493, DEAN, Florence, b. 10-aug-1883, d. 20-jun-1930 494, AVAILABLE 495, RUSSELL, Irvine F., b. 11-oct-1887, d. 17-mar-1957 496, RUSSELL, William G., b. 2-jul-1835, d. 16-oct-1921 497, RUSSELL, Jane Nicholson, b. 14-mar-1851, d. 22-apr-1935 498, RUSSELL, George K., b. 1-nov-1879, d. 25-may-1903 499, RUSSELL, Nannie O., b. 21-aug-1877, d. 4-sept-1886 500, UNKNOWN, field stone 501, ROWLAND, William, b.30-jan-1808, d. 31-mar-1890 502, ROWLAND, Flora Reese, b. 12-feb-1812, d. 7-jan-1894 503, UNKNOWN, field stone 504, AVAILABLE 505, ROACH, L.F., b. no date 506, UNKNOWN, field stone 507, UNKNOWN, field stone 508, UNKNOWN, field stone 509, UNKNOWN, field stone 510, VISSAGE, Sallie Nicholson, b.15-aug-1880, d. 4-jul-1951 511, VISSAGE, John Dock, b. 16-jul-1875, d. 4-feb-1934 512, VISSAGE, Infant Daughter, b. & d. 3-jul-1901 513, VISSAGE, Eliza, b. 9-mar-1885, d. 21-oct-1904 514, VISSAGE, Leona, b. 27-feb-1881, d. 18-jul-1943 515, VISSAGE, Melissa M. Fincher, b. 24-aug-1845, d. 23-oct-1919 516, VISSAGE, John J., b., aged 61, csa 517, VISSAGE, Anna, b. 1-mar-1878, d. 16-dec-1917 518, ROCHESTER, Ida Vissage, b. 29-may-1870, d. 15-jul-1923 519, SYMES, Manson Jolly, b. 3-sept-1868, d. 26-feb-1908 520, FINCHER, Eliza, b. 17-mar-1847, 15-jan-1918 521, VISSAGE, Hogan, b. 1904, d. 1932 522, JOHNSON, Selina V., b. 1874, d. 1958 523, JOHNSON, Steben B., b. 1878, d. 1959 524, JAMES, H.C., b. 3-apr-1854, d. 8-nov-1902 525, JAMES, Theodore P., b. 15-may-1845, d. 22-dec-1936 526, UNKNOWN, field stone 527, AVAILABLE 528, UNKNOWN, field stone 529, UNKNOWN, field stone 530, UNKNOWN, field stone 531, UNKNOWN, field stone 532, UNKNOWN, field stone 533, UNKNOWN, field stone 534, UNKNOWN, field stone 535, UNKNOWN, field stone 536, UNKNOWN, field stone 537, McCALL, William L., b., co d 9th tn cav 538, MARTIN, Francis M., b. 21-mar-1916, d. age 81y 539, UNKNOWN, field stone 540, UNKNOWN, field stone 541, UNKNOWN, field stone 542, UNKNOWN, field stone 543, WILBANKS, Jim, b. 8-feb-1917, d. 9-jun-1965 544, WILBANKS, Elizabeth H., b.24-dec-1857, d. 15-jan-1939 545, WILLBANKS, David, b. aug-1861, d. 3-jun-1932 546, UNKNOWN, field stone 547, WILBANKS, Infant Son, b & d. 11-jul-1909 548, UNKNOWN, field stone 549, UNKNOWN, field stone 550, UNKNOWN, field stone 551, HARDIN, John, b. 19-aug-1892, d. 16-feb-1910 552, HARDEN, Margaret E., b. 1813, d. 26-may-1891 553, UNKNOWN, field stone 554, UNKNOWN, field stone 555, CRAIG, Jane, b. 31-may-1809, d. 28-feb-1874 556, NEELY, M. Ellie, b. 19-jan-1901, d. 6-dec-1918 557, NEELY, J. Harold, b. 14-oct-1917, d. 17-oct-1917 558, AVAILABLE 559, WILBANKS, Crate, b. 3-jul-1928, d. 26-sept-1967 560, RAMEY, Isaac A., b. 27-jan-1859, d. 1-feb-190 561, WILBANKS, Cansada, b. 1886, d. 1972 562, WILBANKS, Lewis, b. 1886, d. 15-nov-1962 563, HARDEN, Edward, b. 8-mar-1864, d. 22-feb-1946 564, HARDEN, S. Margaret, b. 22-mar-1869, d. 24-mar-1939 565, HARDEN, Julius Grant, b. 20-dec-1907, d. 23-aug-1923 566, HARDEN, Julia C., b. 14-sept-1909, 24-may-1911 567, HARDEN, John A., b. 1810, d. 25-jul-1877 568, DUNCAN, Mary, d. 11-may-1895 569, UNKNOWN, field stone 570, UNKNOWN, field stone 571, UNKNOWN, field stone 572, UNKNOWN, field & metal marker 573, UNKNOWN, field stone 574, UNKNOWN, field stone 575, McGILL, M.E., b. 16-dec-1878, d. no date 576, McGILL, William H., d. 1915, csa co c orr's rifles 577, McGILL, F., b. 5-sept-1842, d. 1-jan-1879 578, AVAILABLE 579, AVAILABLE 580, AVAILABLE 581, AVAILABLE 582, AVAILABLE 583, BRUTON, Robert L., b. 1899, d. 1975 584, WELCH, May, b. 13-nov-1909, 1-feb-1913 585, AVAILABLE 586, CALLAS, Mary Nicholson, b. 8-feb-1858, d. 24-may-1936 587, CALLAS, Jasper Samuel, b. 29-oct-1849, d. 17-aug-1929 588, CALLAS, Sudie E., b. 2-apr-1885, d. 22-jul-1901 589, CALLAS, Infant Son, 2-jun-1912, only date 590, CALLAS, Edward, b. 17-may-1873, d. 18-jul-1948 591, CALLAS, Martha Lula, b. 11-sept-1884, d. 9-aug-1974 592, AVAILABLE 593, KILLIAN, Polly, b. 9-jan-1808, d. 19-may-1885 594, KILLIAN, George, b. 16-may-1902, d. 1-may-1880 595, UNKNOWN, field stone 596, UNKNOWN, field stone 597, BILLINGSLEY, Andrew J.M., b. 2-jul-1843, d. 17-may-1917 598, BILLINGSLEY, Eleanor M. Taylor, b. 11-sept-1849, d. 26-jun-1929 599, PENDLY, Roxanna Abi, b. 23-aug-1857, d. 5-nov-1860 600, UNKNOWN, field stone 601, UNKNOWN, field stone 602, HERNDON, Infant Son, no dates 603, HERNDON, Infant Son, no dates 604, BILLINGSLEY, Rhoda, b. 21-may-1841, d. 29-sept-1916 605, HERNDON, Samuel George, b. 21-oct-1839, d. 30-aug-1876 606, UNKNOWN, field stone 607, AVAILABLE 608, AVAILABLE 609, AVAILABLE 610, AVAILABLE 611, AVAILABLE 612, AVAILABLE 613, AVAILABLE 614, AVAILABLE 615, AVAILABLE 616, HENRY, W. Conley, b. 13-aug-1909, d. 25-sept-1979 617, AVAILABLE 618, AVAILABLE 619, MONGOLD, Fannie R., b. 10-may-1872, d. 7-jun-1900 620, MONGOLD, William Bry, b. 20-may-1867, d. 5-feb-1920 621, MONGOLD, Mary B., b. 18-jan-1871, d. 11-jan-1962 622, MONGOLD, Infant Daughter, 19-dec-1911, only date 623, ROBINS, Frances Norton, b. 2-apr-1845, d. 11-apr-1938 624, CRISP, Allison Phidel, b. 13-jul-1851, 7-aug-1922 625, CRISP, Malinda R., b. 17-dec-1847, d. 21-nov-1906 626, ROBINS, Abel, b., d. 18-may-1892, age 81y 627, ROBINS, Rachel, b. 17-jun-1812, d. 6-jul-1859 628, ROBINS, Kate A., b. 8-dec-1842, d. 27-dec-1884 629, ROBINS, Waddy T., b. 15-apr-1840, d. 2-feb-1893 630, ROBINS, Daniel P., b. 9-oct-1829, d. 20-nov-1901 631, FRETWELL, Elizabeth H., b. 11-dec-1818, d. 30-jan-1896 632, FRETWELL, Bry, b. 30-jul-1811, d. 29-sept-1882 633, ROBINS, Levi N., b. 17-jan-1852, d. 4-feb-1919 634, ROBINS, James H., b. 5-jun-1837, d. 21-may-1907 635, ROBINS, Katie Bell, b. 30-sept-1888, d. 14-may-1922 636, ROBINS, Eleanor B., b. 11-nov-1853, d. 20-apr-1943 637, AVAILABLE 638, AVAILABLE 639, AVAILABLE 640, AVAILABLE 641, HENRY, Clara Conley, b. 30-sept-1877, d. 7-jun-1961 642, HENRY, Isaac Walton, b. 22-aug-1874, d. 26-jan-1951 643, AVAILABLE 644, AVAILABLE 645, LYLES, Amy E., b. 19-apr-1881, d. 30-jun-1953 646, LYLES, William Clifton, b. 29-oct-1886, d. 13-jun-1948 647, LYLES, Selena E. Vissage, b. 25-may-1853, d. 6-jul-1900 648, LYLES, James Turner, b. 31-may-1846, d. 8-may-1925 649, AVAILABLE 650, ROBINS, Fannie E., b. 22-may-1852, d. 23-dec-1909 651, QUARLES, Nancy B., b. 25-mar-1828, d. 8-jul-1909 652, WILSON, Cora M., b. 15-may-1893, d. 18-oct-1894 653, HOGSED, Roxie L., b. 20-jan-1882, d. 23-nov-1882 654, HOGSED, Abigail, b. 24-mar-1788, d. 7-jan-1864 655, AVAILABLE 656, KING, Sarah L., b. 1-mar-1827, d. 23-feb-1908 657, KING, Ephraim, b. 15-may-1823, d. 16-may-1870 658, KING, Clara, d. 1878, age 70y 659, KING, Stephen R., b., no dates 660, UNKNOWN, field stone 661, KING, Infant Son, b. 15-nov-1873, d. 23-nov-1873 662, UNKNOWN, field stone 663, LYLES, William A., csa 664, LYLES, Sarah E., b. 25-jul-1841, d. 12-dec-1918 665, JAMES, Minnie Holden, b. 27-mar-1888, d. 13-jan-1929 666, JAMES, Jack V., b. 24-jun-1923, d. 24-jun-1923 667, HOLDEN, Julia Crane, b. 7-sept-1876, d. 25-feb-1949 668, AVAILABLE 669, AVAILABLE 670, AVAILABLE 671, AVAILABLE 672, NICHOLSON, Evan J., b. 6-feb-1853, d. 27-nov-1924 673, NICHOLSON, Clarrisa G., b. 23-apr-1827, d. 2-dec-1875 674, NICHOLSON, William R., b. 22-dec-1823, d. 2-nov-1864 675, NICHOLSON, Edward G., b. 6-may-1857, d. 26-feb-1864 676, HINKLE, Olive, b. 19-sept-1895, d. age 1y 677, WHITMIRE, Raymond Otis, b. 8-sept-1895, d. 29-jan-1896 678, WHITMIRE, Harriet Nicholson, b. 10-nov-1855, d. 5-may-1937 679, WHITMIRE, Alfred, b. 2-oct-1853, d. 22-oct-1932 680, MASSEY, Pearl Whitmire Massey, b. 9-jul-1884, only date 681, UNKNOWN, field stone 682, UNKNOWN, field stone 683, AVAILABLE 684, UNKNOWN, field stone 685, HOLDEN, Dora Robertson, b. 1-nov-1869, d. 19-may-1929 686, HOLDEN, Virgil F., b. 7-mar-1864, d. 30-oct-1935 687, UNKNOWN, field stone 688, UNKNOWN, field stone 689, UNKNOWN, field stone 690, BURRELL, Leona, b. 9-jan-1905, d. 4-mar-1905 691, BOWERS, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 5-mar-1882, 25-nov-1971 692, BOWERS, Charles Fred, b.24-aug-1873, d. 7-apr-1953 693, BOWERS, Caroline, b. 2-jul-1840, d. 3-sept-1921 694, BOWERS, Frederick, b. 4-mar-1827, d. 5-sept-1910 695, UNKNOWN, field stone 696, UNKNOWN, field stone 697, UNKNOWN, field stone 698, UNKNOWN, field stone 699, UNKNOWN, field stone 700, UNKNOWN, field stone 701, UNKNOWN, field stone 702, UNKNOWN, field stone 703, UNKNOWN, field stone 704, UNKNOWN, field stone 705, UNKNOWN, field stone 706, UNKNOWN, field stone 707, UNKNOWN, field stone 708, UNKNOWN, field stone 709, UNKNOWN, field stone 710, UNKNOWN, field stone 711, AVAILABLE 712, AVAILABLE 713, AVAILABLE 714, AVAILABLE 715, UNKNOWN, field stone 716, UNKNOWN, field stone 717, RAMEY, Martha Emeline, no dates 718, AVAILABLE 719, UNKNOWN, field stone 720, UNKNOWN, field stone 721, JOSIE, E.G., no dates 722, UNKNOWN, field stone 723, UNKNOWN, field stone 724, UNKNOWN, field stone 725, UNKNOWN, field stone 726, UNKNOWN, field stone 727, UNKNOWN, field stone 728, UNKNOWN, field stone 729, UNKNOWN 730, UNKNOWN 731, AVAILABLE 732, UNKNOWN, field stone 733, AVAILABLE 734, AVAILABLE 735, AVAILABLE 736, AVAILABLE 737, UNKNOWN, field stone 738, RICHEY, Sarah Quarles, b. 20-mar-1845, 3-dec-1896 739, AVAILABLE 740, AVAILABLE 741, AVAILABLE 742, AVAILABLE 743, UNKNOWN, field stone 744, AVAILABLE 745, QUARLES, David, b. 1840, d. 2-nov-1894 746, QUARLES, Margaret Richey, b. 29-jul-1841, d. 3-jun-1891 747, UNKNOWN, field stone 748, BROWN, Mable, b. 12-feb-1906, d. 12-jul-1928 749, HUNT, Elizabeth, b. 10-dec-1895, d. 21-apr-1923 750, BROWN, James L., b. 31-may-1892, d. 14-jun-1952 751, AVAILABLE 752, AVAILABLE 753, BILLINGSLEY, Mabel, no dates 754, KING, James, b. 26-nov-1903, d. age 84y 755, KING, Martha J. McClure, b. 16-nov-1824, d. 22-oct-1921 756, AVAILABLE 757, BOTTOM, W.W., no dates 758, WIGINGTON, Arlean, b. 20-mar-1902, d. 3-apr-1902 759, BROWN, Lollie H., b. 22-jul-1891, d. 20-oct-1918 760, BROWN, Jo(l)hn H., b. 30-jan-1878, d. 22-nov-1922 761, BROWN, Margaret A. Potts, b. 14-nov-1833, d. 6-feb-1924 762, AVAILABLE 763, UNKNOWN, field stone 764, AVAILABLE 765, UNKNOWN, field stone 766, MONGOLD, John, d. 18-may-1868, age 85y 767, MONGOLD, Polley C., d. 7-dec-1886, age 87y 768, MONGOLD, Elizabeth, d. 20-feb-1904, age 71y 769, MONGOLD, Julian H., b. 22-may-1889, d. 5-apr-1890 770, MONGOLD, Julian, no dates 771, MONGOLD, Stephen, b. 22-nov-1858, d. 24-aug-1890 772, BROWN, M. Jane, b. 23-feb-1838, d. 4-feb-1926 773, BROWN, Henry L., b. 23-aug-1830, d. 19-mar-1885 774, BROWN, Gasoway B., b. 775, BROWN, Ida E., b. 776, BROWN, Albert M.,b. 3-oct-1864, d. 1-jan-1947 777, BROWN, Rhoda King, b. 21-jul-1860, d. 6-jul-1951 778, AVAILABLE 779, AVAILABLE 780, AVAILABLE 781, AVAILABLE 782, AVAILABLE 783, AVAILABLE 784, WIGINGTON, Olen, b. 17-jan-1899, d. 7-sept-1901 785, BALLARD, Leonard, (in memory), b. 16-oct-1944, d. 4-mar-1979 786, LAWSON, Virgil, b. no dates 787, BROWN, Bessie, b. 16-mar-1885, d. 31-mar-1974 788, RAMEY, Virgil H., b. 10-jul-1886, d. 23-jan-1956 789, AVAILABLE 790, AVAILABLE 791, AVAILABLE 792, AVAILABLE 793, UNKNOWN, field stone 794, UNKNOWN, field stone 795, AVAILABLE 796, UNKNOWN, field stone 797, AVAILABLE 798, AVAILABLE 799, AVAILABLE 800, AVAILABLE 801, UNKNOWN 802, KNIGHT, Caroline Potts, b. 30-dec-1851, d. 25-jan-1925 803, KNIGHT, J. Halen, csa, only 804, AVAILABLE 805, AVAILABLE 806, AVAILABLE 807, UNKNOWN, field stone 808, UNKNOWN, field & metal marker 809, UNKNOWN, field stone 810, PHILLIPS, Evan, csa sc rifles 811, UNKNOWN, field stone 812, UNKNOWN, field stone 813, AVAILABLE 814, AVAILABLE 815, AVAILABLE 816, AVAILABLE 817, AVAILABLE 818, AVAILABLE 819, AVAILABLE 820, CALLAS, Lucy, d. 30-oct-1898, d. age 83y, 2m 821, CALLAS(?), William C., footstone only 822, UNKNOWN, field stone 823, UNKNOWN, field stone 824, UNKNOWN, field stone 825, UNKNOWN, field stone 826, UNKNOWN, field stone 827, AVAILABLE 828, MOORE, Martha E., b. 20-dec-1844, d. 12-nov-1902 829, HOLLIFIELD, Charles, d. 1914 830, HOLLIFIELD, Inda F., d. 1944 831, PHILLIPS, Henry Lex, b. 29-mar-1899, d. 19-mar-1977 832, PHILLIPS, Lee J., b. 7-apr-1870, d. 16-aug-1918 833, UNKNOWN, fieldstone 834, PHILLIPS, Mollie, b. 10-apr-1877, d. 1-oct-1955 835, PHILLIPS, Susan, b. 18-spet-1855, d. 23-feb-1941 836, PHILLIPS, Arah, b. 5-may-1860, d. 23-may-1941 837, SNIDER, Joice, b. 18-may-1947, d. 3-feb-1948 838, HOLLIFIELD, Wade, b. 1914, d. 1979 839, HOLLIFIELD, Obie, b. 1912, d. 1979 840, HAMBY, John, b. 30-jan-1867, d. 20-dec-1950 841, McCOY, Lizzie, b. 1-jan-1869, d. 27-feb-1941 842, HAMBY, Zeke, no dates 843, BLACKWELL, Joe, b. 1859, d. 3-apr-1944 844, BLACKWELL, Cal, b. 1884 845, BLACKWELL, July, b. 1885